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Midnight Meme Of The Day! The Auditions For Speaker Of The House!

Writer: NoahNoah

by Noah

There he is in the first panel of the above cartoon, House Majority Leader Steve Scalise the man who reportedly refers to himself as "David Duke without the baggage" as a selling point to his fellow Republicans because it's a real good one. I mean, if you're a Republican running for office just say "Ich bin David Duke" and you'll be a shoe-in with the Republican voters! Well, like Duke, Scalise is from Louisiana so there is that. Those who will try to bullshit you to death disparage Gym Shower Jordan (2nd panel) as too extreme while calling Scalise more "palatable." Just what is a moderate Nazi anyway? How are you "a little bit Nazi" but not really Nazi? You know, like don't look too close? Are we talking about a "kinder, gentler Nazi," a "warm and fuzzy Nazi?" Are we talking about a "big smiley faced Nazi" with one of those big shiny heart balloons, a red nose and a helium inhaler?

I'm beyond sick and tired of media hacks trying to convince us that there is such a thing as a moderate Republican. Tonight (writing this on Friday night) I even just saw one of the better Democratic congressmen, Jaimie Raskin, make the claim that there are still 12 moderate Republicans. Jesus Fucking Christ!!! I know you've been serioulsy ill man but wake the fuck up... sir!!! Let's get real. We can tell if they are moderate with the answer to one simple question: Did any of these unnamed 12 Phantoms vote to impeach their Dear Leader in 2021 (His 2nd impeachment)? In actual fact, there were 10 house Republicans who voted to impeach Trump, so there go 2 of the alleged 12 and we're down to 10 unless 2 moderate Republicans actually managed to get elected in 2022. Highly doubtful! An increase in the number of House Republican moderates in this climate? Yeah, I don't think so. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger who did do the right thing and serverved admirably on the impeachment committee are both gone and they certainly didn't have voting records a sane person could call moderate. That makes 8. Then there's South Carolina's Tom Rice. He was extremely conservative but, like Cheney and Kinzinger, he voted to impeach Dear Leader and of course the Nazi voters gave him the jackboot and replaced him in 2022. You don't really think his wacko district replaced him with a moderate, do you? Down to 7 now. Next up is Wahington's Dan Newhouse. Rep. Newhouse is one of only 2 pro-impeachment Republicans still in the House. The other is California's Rep. David Valadao. He switched districts for the 2022 election and now represents the former district of the infamous Dick Cheney acolyte Devin Nunes who is now a big cheese at Traitor Don's Truth Social. Do you think that district suddenly decided to vote for a moderate? If so, I'll sell you some constrictor snake infested land in Flor-i-duh. Anyway, you see where this is going. You can read about the 10 here. Perhaps there really is some sort of secret cabal of Republican moderates hiding out in the House cloakroom but I have my serious doubts. Besides, moderates of any kind just don't do the cabal thing.

Scalise and Jordan are apparently the two frontrunners for the Speakership, at least as this week begins. Meanwhile all these bozos in the media and in DC would have us believe that Scalise is better than Jordan. Yeah, the flu with a 106 fever is better than smallpox but either one can easily kill ya! Actually a better way of putting it is that all these slithering tapeworms in suits think that offering the country a choice between stage 5 leukemia and stage 5 liver cancer is "good for America!" Washington Logic 101: A white supremacist is better than a traitor. Yeah, the 70 IQ guy that's proud to be David Duke without the baggage is better than a 50 IQ total crackpot and pedo enabler who allegedly had a very bigly role in helping plan his buddy Traitor Don's violent 1/6 coup attempt. There they go again, shoving it down our throat and up our ass at the same time! They might as well put that last phrase on a coin as a motto with a nice engraving of the Capitol Building. What an endless parade of 100% utter douchebags!

So now there's more talk about somehow giving the job to Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, not the greatest choice, not even close, way too conservative for me and totally loved in Democratic Party circles for his ability to attract more bags o' cash than a Brinks Truck on Thanksgiving weekend. In other words, he has a deep faith in the #1 religion of our government. At least he's sane or can put on a good enough act to convince us he is. How does he get to be House Speaker before the if/when next time the Democrats are in the majority? Right now, there are 433 members of the House (There are currently 2 vacant seats or it would be the full House complement of 435). By my count, that means it would take 5 Republicans, 5 so-called moderates to defect from their party and join with the Democrats to give it to Jeffries 217 to 216. Do you think there are 5 Republican members who are not full blown wacko KKK Nazi Russian-loving asswipes who would be so freaked out and desperate about the prospect of Scalise or Jordan or Bowtie Pervo McHenry, or even Oh Great Republican Nazi God Trump being Speaker that they would do it? At what price? Failing that, I wouldn't even be shocked if the nation's biggest clown show compromised on reelecting Kremlin Kevin to the post. Can't you just see it? With all the media hacks bellowing joyfully about the "new spirit of bipartisanship in Washington? Enjoy your popcorn.

There I said it. You know like...If you see something, say something. That saying came about because of terrorist acts. Well, that's what we're watching.


Oct 09, 2023

a moderate nazi is akin to adolph eichmann who may not have actively gassed any jews but he made all the trains run on schedule to get them there.

If you proudly sport a "R" next to your name or religiously vote "R", you are a nazi and have no redeeming value at all. Think cheney or kinzinger, who you all seem to admire, but who were gleefully supporting all manner of nazi stuff before they reached that bridge too far. cheney was the second most purely evil nazi before that. 'nuf said about that.

The exact same can be said about your relentlessly hapless worthless feckless CORRUPT neoliberal fascist pussy democraps and their voters. 55 years and counting o…


Oct 09, 2023

Well said, Noah. I liked Jennifer Rubin’s take - moderate Republican is an oxymoron.

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