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Midnight Meme Of The Day! Supreme Court Now Openly Displays New Flag!

Your Saturday Cartoon

by Noah

Yeah, the Supreme Court is for sale. And everything in it! Especially any remaining stray copies of the United States Constitution. Sorry, 6 of the 9 justices have already been sold!


Now, what about the building itself? It's a nice looking building but, obviously, it's lost its shine. It's worn. It's tired. Maybe it should step aside. It could be replaced by a nice bigly "free" complimentary tour bus. I know! Maybe one of those Ted Kaczynski Unabomber Cabins! How fitting it would be if the Court started holding its sessions out in the Montana woods in one of those damn cabins that once belonged to such a prominent domestic terrorist!!! Perfect!!!

Next, after the Supreme Court building is vacated, it could be fumigated and converted into another Washington monument; this one a monument to The Dead American Idea. We could hire some artists (and actually pay them) to paint corporate logos inside and out. And let's have a larger than life statue of Chief Justice Roberts with one hand out and the other holding a large bag of hundreds.



Jul 06

Totally missing the point still, dear clownish hater. Yeah. Noah has been doing that. But my point, that you absolutely refuse to see, is that it isn't Washington taking care of its own... it's ALL YOU IDIOT VOTERS electing Washington to take care if its own.

Two common themes scream out (except to the deaf):

  1. you get what you vote for

  2. you don't like it? quit fucking voting for it!!

If you always blame the pain for the cancer, you'll die. fucking period.

You cannot argue the logic. But you can hate the one who gives you the answer.


Jul 06

Dear clown commenter below, YOU know perfectly well that Noah has been writing about the total corruption of Washington for decades. He always calls it "Washington takes care of its own." He's right and that's as good as any way to put it. Hardly a week goes by when he doesn't use that phrase. But go ahead, keep trying to convince yourself that you lead the way in thought on these matters if it soothes your fragile ego.


Jul 06

what did you think... bought parties, congresswhores and presidents nominate and confirm them... and it just occurred to you that they would be the same?

You not only get exactly WHO you all vote for, but all that those corrupt assholes DO as well.

I don't suppose that would get you all to think through your voting a little better.... nah, 'course not.

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