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Midnight Meme Of The Day! Supreme Court Chief "Justice" John Roberts Has An Umpiring Academy?

I Have A Fantasy Wish List

by Noah

"I believe the best structure is the 18-year term limit. That would ensure that the country does not have what it has now - an extreme court ... that has been weaponized by those seeking to carry out an extreme agenda for decades to come."

-President Joe Biden on term limits for The Extreme Court,

Monday July 29, 2024

Term limits? You bet! An idea whose time came centuries ago but our founding fathers placed too much trust in the integrity of their class. President Biden has just proposed the term limits and an enforceable ethics code, but until they actually happen, if* and when, I'm facetiously asking, why not openly investigate and broadcast the scumminess of John Roberts, his wife, and his Nazi co-conspirators (and their spouses) that sit with him behind closed doors on the Court and fly anti-America flags at home? You know, like how 'bout we get some of the most significant facts about these lowlife traitors to American ideals if not America itself, right out into the open and into more minds of the public? Not enough people have any idea how heinous these cretins are. And, by the way, such investigations might not and probably will not result in the removal of any of these people but it's still good to know what kind of people they are. Yeah, I know, how dare I think of living in a world where introducing the concept of crime and punishment to people who think it should never apply to their class of miscreants is a no-brainer?

And, while we're at, how 'bout we peel back a layer and have a detailed look at the Heritage Foundation, aka the American Neo-Nazi organization that comes up with people like Roberts, Alito, Barrett and so many others to inflict on us and our Constitution by pushing for them to be installed not just on the Supreme Court but on every court in the federal court structure. And let's see some details on where the Heritage Foundation gets its financial support, including from which dictators in which countries. You've heard of Manchurian political candidates but are  you so naive that you think we don't have Manchurian Justices?

Addendum: *Good luck getting these proposals through a Congress that is half Nazi in both the House and $enate. House Squeaker Mike Johnson instantly proclaimed them DOA and went back to "reviewing" his son's online porn activities. 


1 Comment

Jul 31

And, refusing to mention the obvious, he's now not running for anything. He can and prolly will puke up more stuff that shoulda been said/done on day 1 NOW that there's, you know, an election or something upcoming. No risk for him. No chance his party will do jack shit about it. They shoulda done this as far back as slick willie. certainly, obamanation with 60 and +85. And sans filibuster, it coulda got done. Certainly if they'd done this and more in 2009, maybe no trump in 2016. Nobody remembers 1933 - 1968 when Democrats DID a lot and enjoyed many winning elections. Since then... don't do shit and lose many more elections than they don't lose. …

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