by Noah
Sunday Thoughts:
Ah! The proud history of Christian fanatics! You think they wouldn't jump at the chance again? Would you be shocked if Justice Alito is found to have a portrait of Torquemada above his fireplace? Maybe a little portrait of him in his wallet, too? I'm just asking the questions.
Their targets were mostly jews. It had its start from the usual -- simple hatred. as such, hitler and american christianity have that in common.
all christians should ever ask themselves if they would have been drowned in the great flood or smoked if they'd been a kid born in Sodom or Gomorrah or been slaughtered on god's orders if they'd had the misfortune to be a newborn Canaanite... or born a jew in europe in the '30s.
not that any epiphany would be possible. christians aren't taught to think... just believe. god killed sooooooo many so many times, and everyone (almost) once... he's a merciful loving god.