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  • Writer's pictureNoah

Midnight Meme Of The Day! RNC Chair McDaniel Bathes In Her Own Fermented Scum!

by Noah

I can just so easily see a young Ronna Romney McDaniel, maybe 10 or 11 years old, sitting at the dinner table at some big family get together and telling the assembled multitude-

When I grow up, I want to be the biggest scumbag I can possibly be! What do ya think, Uncle Mittens? You must know the bestest role models! It would be ever so grand!

Well congratulations, Ms. Romney McDaniel, it's great to achieve one's goals and you have done so! Intoxicating, isn't it! Lordy, I hope you kids take note. Using the deaths of thousands of people for your own sick purposes of furthering your brand of nazism is extra special, and you acted so quickly, almost as soon as the news of the attacks on Israel broke. Extra points for not even waiting 'til the bodies were counted and cold! Why, you've almost topped your boy Traitor Don when he rushed to tell the world that his building was now the tallest in NYC after the 9/11 attacks (and it wasn't). You're really a special brand of scumbag, Ronna, but that's why people like you and your boy lead the party, isn't it.

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