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Midnight Meme Of The Day! Republicans: "Russian Language Classes- Yes!"

"CRT, Science, Justice, History, No!!!"

by Noah

It has always appeared that Russia's Vladimir Putin has something on Traitor Trump and Trump certainly acts like someone who is either a Manchurian Candidate or is being blackmailed but what excuse, if you want to call it that, does the rest of his Republican Party have? Apparently none is needed and they are siding with Russia out of love and they are doing it more and more right out in the open. The enemy within. Yesterday, Russo-Republican Party star Rep. Gym Jordan, when faced with the fact that his star witness in his party's nonsensical, taxpayer money wasting impeachment case against President Biden, had been arrested and revealed to be a Russian operative had this to say about his key piece of evidence burning up in flames in his bare hands:

"It doesn't change the fundamental facts."

In for a penny, in for a pound, or should I say ruble; in fact lots of rubles. The Russian operative's name is Alexander Smirnov. I suppose one could say that someone with that name coming to Putin's friends in Congress with damning info about Joe Biden and his surviving son Hunter might have been tipped off that something was amiss just by the name but I'm sure that any Republican these days would see a Russian name as a bigly plus, kinda like when Traitor Don's sons were so excited to meet with Russians at Trump Tower to discuss ways to swing the 2016 election. (Remember, "I love it!"). And, of course, let's never forget that, once in the oval office, Traitor Don had a couple of Russian "diplomats," aka spymasters over for tea and vodka and handed them some top secret Israeli intelligence, intelligence which one might reasonably conclude that Russia, Iran, and Hamas have been using lately, right? By the way, why did it take nearly three years for Smirnov to be exposed and arrested by the FBI? I know it takes an excruciatingly long time for the investigation of these things but three years? Let me hazard a guess: There are more than enough republicans and allies of Republicans throughout the DOJ to slow walk any of this stuff. And you thought people like Merrick Garland and Aileen Cannon were the only ones. Meanwhile back at the Capitol Building, there are 35 Marjorie Traitor Greene's for every Jamie Raskin.

And, then there's Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine:

Imagine if, throughout WW2, one of the two major political parties in the United States had become so traitorous or so split from reason that they openly supported Hitler's military attacks in Europe. Sure, there were people like George W. Bush's grandfather $enator Prescott Bush who was involved in extensive efforts aimed at aiding Adolf Hitler financially and there was Henry Ford who was a staggeringly vile anti-Semite who believed in Hitler and what he stood for so much that he was supplying his army with trucks and more. Hitler even had a giant portrait of Ford on the wall behind his desk and admired Ford deeply. There were others of course, even a hero like Charles Lindberg, but most (however, certainly not all) of the time's useful idiots and outright traitors eventually got with the pro U.S.A. program even if reluctantly. Conveniently, there are books about these things so you can investigate further, at least until the Republican Party starts burning them all in the interest of having their sick nazi dreams come true.

Now though, in 2024, it's different. We really do have one of the two major parties all in on supporting this era's Hitler, Vladimir Putin of Russia. That's how low we have sunk. We have a Senate Minority Leader in Moscow Mitch McConnell and now his Mini-Me Mike Johnson as Speaker Of The House assuring that whatever Russia wants, they shall have. Right now, it's Ukraine and more than enough republicans in both houses are doing Putin's bidding on that front by refusing to help with Ukraine's defense. They're doing this with the full and obvious knowledge that their man Putin won't stop with Ukraine but go on to Poland and the rest of Europe. Keep in mind that the GOP's Dear Orange Leader has promised to pull us out of NATO to make the efforts of his pal Putin all the more easier. In other words, both houses of Congress amount to a nest of traitors. Even the few republicans who vote to help Ukraine only do so because they think they can hide behind their paper thin wall of fake patriotism knowing that the aid won't pass anyway, at least that's what they hope.


We don't even have a media that, except for a rare few exceptions like Lawrence O'Donnell and Rachel Maddow, slams or shames the traitors. As should be expected, FOX "News" has gone all out in supporting Vladimir Putin. Their stances indicate that they have no problem with him murdering his opposition or marching west into Europe and over-running our allies. They even want Putin's top American asset to get back in the White House to join with Moscow Mitch, and Speaker Mike Johnson, who, let's admit it, folks, should be now referred to as Moscow Mike as sort of a little brother to Mitch. To the GOP and its media apparatus, Dear Leader Traitor Don will and should be our Putin. To that end, in perhaps the biggest example of playing the victim card ever, they (and Trump himself) have started presenting their Big Orange Hope as our Alexei Navalny when it was their Orange Menace To Society who told Putin he could do anything he wants shortly before he did. Oh, and just in case you forgot about the Republican Party's traditional nihilism and apparent self-identity as a death cult, they have no problem with the idea of their Russian promised land having taken one of the world's biggest nuclear power plants (Zaporizhzhia) while they continue shelling the entire area, thus threatening to make Chernobyl look like one firecracker. As I finish up writing this, the news has just flashed that the power plant's last backup power line has been severed. Do you hear a countdown to meltdown?

Well, that's it for now, folks. Nikkki #Ks Haley has changed out of her Confederate flag pajamas and is on my TV trying to have it both ways again. You know, be like Trump but not be Trump, a kinder, gentler racist a-hole.

1 comentario

23 feb

wow. how could a nation that helped defeat hitler now sink so low?

FDR and Democrats led the effort 1933 - 1945. Got them elected in big numbers.

Who and the democraps are leading the effort now? NOT getting elected in big numbers.

is it voters? parties? yes. yin and yan.

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