Your Saturday Cartoon

by Noah
Freaks always gonna freakout. Look at it this way, if you're a typical Republican freakazoid nutball, the world is always going to be confusing to you. Is that mean of me to say? Ask me if I care. I have zero tolerance for these people. It gets you nowhere. I mean there's no point in trying to communicate with the kind of very real wackos represented in the above cartoon. I covered the idiots whose brainworm afflicted minds processed the Olympics Opening night depiction of a classic Dionysian feast as some sort of mockery of The Last Supper in this past Sunday's post. Today, I'll just make a point of their reaction to an Algerian boxer named Imane Khelif who was born a woman, considers herself a woman, holds a female passport, has her full complement of lady parts, and is still a woman. In short, she is what normal people, ie. non-Repugs, will call a female boxer. Ah, but to the freak & weirdo set, she might be trans due to her muscles and slightly broad shoulders. Oh, and it is alleged, due to some comments from the Russian dominated International Boxing Association, that she might have a wee bit more testosterone than some women. So what. So WTF. It happens. It happens just like my chemistry makes me way too prone to migraines and blood sugar issues. So what. Everybody has something. She's all girl and she packs a punch. Ooooh, sooo scary!
You would have thought, after their opening night mega freakout over the Last Supper that wasn't The Last Supper and the sight of actual drag performers in, of all places, Paris, France, the nutjobs would be happy that she isn't a boxing drag performer but there's no pleasing the party of kooks and hatemongers. In this case, one of the hatemongers is a loser douchebag named Donald Trump who, along with the usual parade of FOX-Pravda assclowns, fantasy writer J.K.Rowling, and the increasingly mentally disturbed and sex-obsessed Megyn Kelly, says that Khelif is either a man or trans. Apparently, Trump isn't sure which but all that matters to republicans is that Khelif is not liked by their Dear Leader. Could the fact that Khelif is not just a woman but a brown skinned Algerian woman also be playing a part here?
Here's some additional historical context:
1. When she was a girl who wanted to box, she was told, "Girls don't box!" Now that she's a boxer, she's being told she's not woman enough. Go figure.
2. Legendary tennis pro Serena Williams was once (at least once) accused of being a man when she out performed a white female opponent just like Ms. Khelif does.
3. South African Olympic runner Caster Semenya has faced the same accusations. I know, how dare she be as good or better than a man in her chosen field of athletic endeavor?
4. Let us not forget that republican nutballs have, over the years, devoted whole youtube channels to "proving" in their sick, warped minds, that Michelle Obama is a man. Trust me. You don't have to look but they go into great imaginary detail. Detail that says more about them than it does her. And, by the way, I have personally encountered republicans who swear it's true but both of them also swear that Antifa did J-6.
5. Pay close attention to how our nazi-republican element is already talking about Kamala Harris and women who support her candidacy. Right! How dare she run! "It's not a woman's job!" "It's not a Black job!!!!" They'll never recover from seeing Obama in the oval office. Now, the building rage is palpable.
Additional Thought For the Day: Remember, the same people who tell you guns don't kill people also say a book can turn you gay. Just more of that good ol' Republican logic that they're known for.
Imane Khelif has won her gold medal! Let the goofball Republican apoplexy ignite to new heights! Stroke out!