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Midnight Meme Of The Day! Republicans Have A Nagging Fear Of Taylor Swift!

Writer's picture: NoahNoah

How's That Hate All Women Thing Goin' For Ya, Repugs?

by Noah

Is it their Idiocracy mindset or do republicans just have what seems to be some sort of genetic knack for showing contempt and fear toward women and they're obviously hell bent on that now more than ever before. Both? The latest, and it's only the latest, example of this is the "Childless Cat Ladies" slogan that they're chanting now. They're so clueless that they use it as an insult, thinking there's actually something wrong with their targets. Well, they think that anyway as they go around parroting it like the Beavises and Buttheads they are. How's that for 'not smart' or shooting yourself in the foot? So... keep it up Repugs! Keep it up!!!.

As just one example, Republicans have always feared Taylor Swift and the reason is obvious; she's a woman who has made it to billionaire ($1.2 Billion and counting) status largely on talent and her own brilliant marketing sense coupled with good management and investments both in her art and her stock portfolio. She may have been raised in a well to do family with supportive  parents but you don't get where she is without having what it takes and knowing what to do with it. On top of that, she's always revealed enough of her political leanings to make anyone with Nazi proclivities very nervous. I mean, Christ, she tells her fans to register to vote! And they do! That, right there, is so contrary to what republicans want, especially from young people. She doesn't even tell her fans who to vote for. She doesn't have to, and the Nazis look at her fan demographic, they know who the majority of them will go to the polls for, and they can't stand it. Their freakout at Taylor being named Time Magazine's "Person Of The Year" was also damn revealing. What??!!??! A woman??!!?!! Nooooo! Yeah, they are unwittingly letting us see their fear when they lump her in with what they call "Childless Cat Ladies!"


Oh, and there's this: Where'd this "Childless Cat Lady" thing come from? It's been around for awhile, Vance himself seems to have first publicly used it while on, wait for it... Tucker Carlson's show. Now Republicans are using it as a campaign tool, Why not? It's a phrase that fits perfectly with their misogynistic attitudes! It was bound to happen sooner or later! So, when J.D. Vance, the latest embodiment of what passes for an object of love and adulation in the party of Domestic Terrorists, Racists, Homophobes, Misogynists, and Russian loving freaks of every kind started to adopt the "Childless Cat Lady" slogan in reference to another "Childless Cat Lady" named Kamala Harris, a woman who does have 2 step kids, if not birth children, the party goons picked him up on their shoulders and paraded him around like he'd just kicked a winning field goal for Republican voters everywhere. "Genius," said the party that thinks a woman should die of a septic pregnancy rather than have an abortion. "Genius," said the party that embraces the notion that slavery has its good points. "Genius!"

Will these nutballs keep Vance around or dump him in the on-going raging dumpster fire that is all things Trump? I'm writing this on Sunday afternoon. You're seeing it in the wee hours of Tuesday at the earliest. Who knows what will have transpired by the time you see this but it's amazing how Republicans can never learn because they are so hellbent on turning back the clock on anything to do with women being free to make their own choices about their lives. Maybe they'll replace their latest nutcase with that assclown that said, in denial of the fact that rapes can result in pregnancy, a woman's body has ways to "shut that whole thing down." Vance himself just sees rape-induced pregnacy as "inconvenient" while IVF is something he's voted against in the Senate. In fact, republicans are so completely dismissive, hypocritical, and cynical about women that they might think the attitude that their new hero displays can be smoothed over by dumping him for a woman. Hey, I know! Why not put the Number 2 voice of the party, the Number 2 party star, on the ticket with ol' Number 1 an adjudicated rapist himself? That's right, Donald Trump and Marjorie Traitor Greene! That's the ticket! It's what freaks need!!!!!


1 Comment

Jul 30, 2024

stupid white men. they hate and fear women. but they REALLY hate successful, powerful women. And, natch, all nonwhite women.

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