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Writer's pictureNoah

Midnight Meme Of The Day! Republicans: Doing Nothing But Re-Doubling Their Freak Show Cred

by Noah

I can't remember the exact moment when I started comparing Republicans to the exhibits of humanity gone wrong featured at any typical rural Florida or Mississippi carny row freak show but I know it was in the 1960s during the beginning of the Nixon years. I mean, just look at the man. You could actually watch his beard growing in 15 minute intervals, and you just knew the same thing was going on at an even faster pace on the rest of his body. Christ, he probably initially hired Chuck Colson just to have someone who was so obsequious that he'd shave the waves of hair off Nixon's fat ass three times a day! Or maybe it was part of G. Gordon Liddy's job. Tricky Dick knew some "Best People" but he was only a crude template for what his party wanted to be.

How people could listen to Nixon or look at him and not know some wires were crossed and shorting out is... well let's just say his election was a reflection of the fact that, in addition to being a traitor who sabotaged the Paris Peace Accords, he got elected because he was able to get enough people to focus their various hatreds and bigotries on undeserving targets, and, Hubert Humphrey had 1) been openly all in on the Vietnam War and 2) had a way of coming off like some fat old perv sitting at the back of a bus. The 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago didn't help either. So there ya go, Nixon wasn't the first traitor his party worshipped. At least, he was forced to resign for Watergate and things unspoken but that was a less than half measure, anything less than a gallows was. Trump? We'll see but, as I always say, "Expect the worst and you'll rarely be disappointed."


None of what we now have for a political structure happened overnight, but the 1968 campaign season can be easily seen as the time that both parties decided to make American politics a contest of which party could put forward the biggest collection of clowns and freaks and the republicans won that contest handedly, so handedly that the democrats decided that they didn't have to do much other than throw us a bone maybe once a decade. Guess what, dems, you're way overdue when it comes to stepping it up and being actually effective a hell of a lot more often. Sure, Obamacare is nice. I have a friend who didn't go blind solely because of it. I personally know lives that it has saved. The recent recovery legislation is nice too but if you smugly think that's enough, guess again and tell the people who own you to take up a hobby of playing Russian Roulette with five in the chambers. They owe us. It's the least they can do. In fact, "It's The Least We Can Do" is Washington's motto, on its best days.

Ah, but back to Washington in 1968: I lived there. I watched Washington change from people who at least looked normal and sounded more or less sane into the bizarro world influx of immigrants from some sort of parallel world, many of them from the old Confederacy. It wasn't just Nixon, it was people like speechwriter Pat Buchanan who was Stephen Miller before Stephen Miller, both total white supremacists and both critters and their nazi attitudes were/are a major sinew of the Republican Party that grow and grow like mold. I also remember the shock of seeing H.R. "Bob" Haldeman for the first time. I remember his entire bearing from those cold dead eyes and that stiff, weirdo, ten years out of date hairstyle down to his favorite goose stepping footwear. that had a way of telling everyone I knew exactly what future the Republican Party wanted for America. These people coming into Washington were a disease. Nixon's evil AG John Mitchell, so evil he didn't beat his wife but had others do it for him and stick a needle in her ass to shut her up, boasted they would turn America so far to the right that no one would recognize it. That was way before goons like Karl "Turd Blossom" Rove saying the Bush 2 administration would create an alternate reality that we should learn to live in, or Kellyanne Conway would claim that Republicans have "alternative facts" while Twilight Zone music played in the background. Do I have to even mention Dubya's dad and all the Chilean blood on his hands and face? Or, Ronnie Raygun who literally called for a bloodbath on college campuses? The Republican Party got that, too. It even put Ronnie on the map when the party wanted a candidate for 1980. Keep in mind that all this gives the Democrats cover to be "not as bad" but, as FDR once famously said, "If you want something from me, make me do it," or words to that effect. We don't. Punishments given out to the transgressors of any party? Same answer. 

Now, everything I mentioned so far has led to a Republican Party that is nothing but whatever the likes of chicken neck biting carny row freaks like Lindsey Graham, Marjorie Traitor Greene, The Diaper Don and his entire family of brain damaged delinquents, Nikkki Haley, Tom Cotton, Ron DeSantis, Rivek Ramaswarmy, Speaker Mike Johnson, Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her father, Lauren Boebert, Greg Abbott, Sean Hannity, Matt Gaetz, "Ted" Cruz, Gym Shower Jordan, Josh Hawley, Paul Gosar, Kari Lake, Sarah Palin, Elise Stefanik, Chuck Grassley, Moscow Mitch and the 74,000,000 freaks who support such people say it is.




Spot on, Noah. But, really, after 56 years of this shit from the democrap party, don't YOU think it's long past time to move on and find something actually, you know, good?

Seriously, is everyone's continued fealty to the hapless worthless feckless lying corrupt neoliberal fascist pussy democrap party a mass case of "Stockholm Syndrome"? or what?

Is this case worser or just as bad as the billion world cat'licks staying faithful in spite of TWO millenia of genocides attempted, torture, children abused, women oppressed and greed?

what is fucking WRONG with humankind, anyway?

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