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Midnight Meme Of The Day! Republican Voters Send Their Emissaries To A Trump Trial!

Writer: NoahNoah

by Noah

50 years ago this Summer, a delegation of Congressional Republican leaders, lead by Senator Barry Goldwater (an arch conservative), went to the White House to tell a Republican President that it was all over, that he needed to resign due to his crimes, and that if he didn't, members of both parties in Congress would vote to impeach, convict, and remove him, and not only that, he might even end up in jail or, at the least, lose his government pension and the other privileges that went with being an ex-president. Nixon resigned, got pardoned by a fellow sleazeball, and lived out his days in sunny San Clemente.

That was 1974. This is now. Now we have a twice impeached treasonous ex-president who was acquitted by his fellow traitors and co-conspirators in the Senate and is now on trial for felony election interference and fraud. Has a delegation of Congressional Republican leaders gone to him to tell him that it's over, that he can no longer be the leader of the republican party and run for president? No, not even close; in fact, quite the opposite. He is the man they want. He is the man they cling to. Donald Trump and his tens of millions of followers still have dreams of Nazi reich in their sick minds and sick souls.


Now in 2024, the Republicans have sent an opposite world delegation. The Republican Party has chosen to send, at our taxpayer expense, a clown car chorus of the worst America has to offer, a freakish collection of Trump's wiseguy criminal associates. It's even led by their current Speaker Of The House, a lunatic religious fanatic who is so far gone that he has no hope of ever realizing the hypocrisy he embodies. The clown car chorus goes to their Dear Leader's trial and, incredibly, out pours a bunch of clowns literally dressed exactly the same as their beloved Dear Leader, complete with the blue suits and long red ties, likely the lifts in the shoes, too. All that's missing are the diapers and the orange goo make-up, but, rest assured, that is coming. Believe me! If their Dear Leader decrees it will be so, and his congressional delegation of the insane will even stand there spinning their MAGA Party pinwheels for the cameras with their diapers fully loaded, happily all but swimming in their own inhuman waste. All in tribute to their Dear Leader and all as a statement as to what they really think of our country.

It's no coincidence that the clown car chorus now shows up every day and the passengers come to dutifully spout the mantra talking points that Dear Leader has decreed for them to say. The proof is in the exact words themselves. Same words, different buttholes. It's obvious that Dear Leader called on them to do so and, if so, that would be official gag order violation #11 but proving that to the letter of the law is another matter. Suffice to say, Traitor Don would love to be put in jail for a few days in order to sell more mugs, t-shirts, etc., etc., and on and on. Frankly, if it was up to me and I was the judge and the jury failed to do the right and moral thing, I'd wait for Traitor Trump to crack a smile, wait a beat, and then tell him that he's being carted off to Rikers for his multiple gag order violations. To show him how hospitable I can be, I'd even give him the Memorial Jeffrey Epstein Cell, with some extra sheets, a few red ties, and even a nice strong 400lb. test belt. Such a shame his clown car chorus can't go with him. Even more sadly, though, our institutions of government and law no longer have the will to rise and meet the dangers. 

1 Comment

May 20, 2024

The fundamental difference is with voters. In '72, even republican voters found nixon's crimes distasteful. Today, nazi voters are faithful, devout and fanatic. What it lays bare is the fact that the nazi party puts their electoral prospects (power) over the welfare of the republic (which will end when they have their power back).

That also lays bare the differences between the only two parties allowed by the laws of physics (a corollary to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle... I'm almost 'certain'). Your hapless worthless feckless lying corrupt neoliberal fascist pussy democraps put their bribes above all else, including their electoral prospects, voters and the republic that they willingly flush in exchange for those bribes.

It isn't a LACK of principles.…

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