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Midnight Meme Of The Day! Republican Party Doubling Down On Its Allegiance To Putin & Trump

by Noah

This has been quite a week for congressional Republicans. Feeling the pressure from their leadership in Moscow and Mar-a-Lago, they refused to even meet with Ukraine's President Zelenskyy as he visited Washington and met with President Biden. They even refused to have their photos taken with President Zelenskyy due to their fear of offending all their pro-Putin voters. Biden is doing what he can for the push to provide aid to Ukraine but the Republican Party and their notorious Vlad Caucus in the House are even more openly rooting for the collapse of Ukraine at the hands of Russia than ever before. Many of them complain that the cost of saving Ukraine is just too much but these simple facts easily put the lie to that:

1. Their desired loss of Ukraine to Russia will inevitably cost much, much more and will lead to the loss of other neighboring countries and fighting those battles will doubtless cost American lives as NATO's participation grows and various national economies begin to crash.


2. The NATO alliance will be strained to the breaking point which is exactly what Republican leadership in the name of Putin and Trump have openly indicated they want for years. Forget the wall between us and Mexico, what republicans want more is the restoration of the Iron Curtain in Eastern Europe and the fulfillment of Putin's dream of a return of the USSR. It's obvious and they're not even trying to hide it.

So, you see, none of this is really about the money to republicans. What matters to them is the brutal strangulation and subjugation of Ukraine at the hands of Putin and, it's no coincidence that such a thing is a big part of why republicans are all gung-ho for Dear Leader Traitor Don to have a second term in the oval office where he can openly grant his handler Vladimir Putin's wishes and pass even more secret intelligence to Putin's spymasters right in the White House. Republicans will call that a win-win.

Oh and the House Vlad Caucus just voted to begin an Impeachment Inquiry into President Biden sans evidence, while playing up his son's issues. It's all designed to lower the president's poll numbers. It's like Benghazi and Hillary's emails all over again only this time, there aren't even any emails.

And, for further review as to why Republicans are so gung-ho for Putin and Traitor Don Trump, there's this:


2 comentários

15 de dez. de 2023

Yeah. And 1 in 3 eligible voters will defeat your pussy democraps again in 2024 so that the putin world alliance will prevail.

2 in 3 eligible american voters will, again, fail to defeat the nazi/putin minority.

that's just the way it is. we are shit and the world will suffer greatly for it.

17 de dez. de 2023
Respondendo a

a lot of the world has already suffered greatly for our shittiness. more will suffer after the reich commences.

putin, at least at first, will be one of the few beneficiaries.

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