Sunday Thoughts
by Noah
Go ahead, prove your lack of sense and believe your fruitcake fairytales. You have that right, here. But, raping, maiming, and killing others in the name of those fairytales and telling others you can control their bodies and minds in the name of those fairytales you've allowed yourself to be indoctrinated with? Really? Your thinking that your belief in your fairytales grants you permission for all your inhuman compulsions and atrocities is nothing but extreme psychopathology. And your thoughts that the few times you do something good buys you permission for all the rest? Please, just take one of your guns, go off alone into the woods and direct all your hate towards yourself. That's way overdue. Do it and let the wild dogs and bears sort out your bones. Amen!
Amen indeed!!
Great quote there, Noah. Karl Marx had it right. As I’ve commented before, my father used to say the Catholic Church was the worst force in human history. It appears Ireland has woken up to that fact, with approval of abortion without much of a whimper.