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Midnight Meme Of The Day! Pro-Life Is A Cynical Cover

Writer: NoahNoah

by Noah

Sunday Thoughts:

The answer is never. The question can only be rhetorical now. Once Republicans decided that the massacre of all those 6 year old kids in Newtown, CT was bearable, it became more obvious than ever before that Republicans love guns more than children, especially after they're born. Republicans fetishize their guns. Many of them can't even manage to go to the grocery store without their AR-15 slung over their shoulder like a little boy that sucks on his blue blankie. It's an obsession. The whole thing is just further proof that the Republican Party is a death cult. Now, to make extra sure we know that, Republicans have started giving unstable teenagers weapons of mass death and sending them to protests with them and into schools with them, all to catapult the mayhem. The next stage is coming. Right now, they're killing themselves and infecting others by refusing to get vaccinated. How long before that morphs into walking into a Walmart wearing a belt of dynamite sticks? "Pro-Life" has always been a cover whether it has been used to control or to kill.


Dec 12, 2021

"pro life" has always been a nicer way to say anti-woman. Clearly the nazis don't give a shit about kids. Their goal is to oppress women and kick democraps in the balls.

the democraps keep letting them. so why not?


Dec 12, 2021

Ya know, a lot of people keep repeating the claim that only unvaccinated people spread the disease. This is not true. In fact, vaccinated people get infected and spread the disease just as much as vaccinated people, and now there are more vaccinated people than unvaccinated, so they are spreading the disease more than unvaccinated people. The vaccine DOES reduce the probability of severe symptoms and death, which is plenty good reason to get the shots, and there's plenty of data out there to show the vaccines don't kill people. But we are never going to have herd immunity until we have vaccines that actually prevent most people from getting infected, and that may never happen, just as we d…

Dec 12, 2021
Replying to

herd immunity does not mean immune to the virus but immune to disease that the virus causes. All vaccines that exist and have eliminated, for all intents and purposes, diseases like polio and rubella have not made the viruses disappear. We still have to immunize kids so they don't get the diseases from the smaller amount of viruses that still exist.

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