by Noah So Mike Lindell and his My Pillow company ended up having to auction supplies and equipment in an effort to make up for losing an alleged $100,000,000 after his insane efforts to help Traitor Don Trump, the RNC, and FOX "News" et. al. in the overthrow of the United States of America. My, my, that money would buy a lot of crack! I wonder if Elon Musk is paying attention. Mental illness is very sad. I don't care whether you're talking about RFK Jr., Paul Gosar, Shrieking Jeanine Pirro, Mike Pence or Mike Pillow. Unlike your typical Republican, I'm not totally without compassion for others but there really does come a point where those with mental illness use up the compassion points and Mike Lindell used up his a long time ago. Just think what constructive purposes he could have put that $100,000,000 towards. School lunches? Toxic waste clean up? Better local libraries? Cancer research? Alas, the Republican mind just doesn't work that way. Instead Mike Lindell decided, of his own free will, to set his fortune on fire and set about damaging as much of the United States and its citizens as he possibly could with his insane conspiracy theories and continuously debunked claims of election fraud. In short, just another Republican sociopath or worse, and one who was given a podium and a microphone by his president and his favorite nazi-loving media and political patrons, people with names like Sean Hannity, Rudy Giuliani, Marjorie Traitor Greene and all the rest, right down to that goon down your street with the Trump flags, Confederate flags, and other nazi ephemera proudly displayed on their lawn. So good riddance, Mikey. I will go to bed tonight thinking of those pictured life-like cardboard standups standing up in dumpsters in the rain across the dark alleyways and other garbage pickup points of America. I will think of the rainwater and rat pee running down your face like tears, knowing as I do that the mold will soon begin to take hold. I also know that there's a better than even chance that some P.O.S. at the RNC is already thinking you should run for Senate and be the next Tommy Tuberville.

do not cry for him. once trump is installed as fuhrer, I see a law requiring americans to buy only mike pillow shit (and I MEAN shit). you know, like obamanation passed a law requiring everyone to buy health insurance and pay 1000 times retail for Rx, all to make sure their CxOs remain obscenely rich.
His big mistake was in NOT learning the lessons of wall street and the cmic. if yous pays both sides, yous gets served no matter which shit party the dumber than shit voters sees fit to elect.
I betcha that 100 mil woulda bought a lot of service from $cummer and jeffrie$.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. Is there a potential prison sentence in his future for pushing the overthrow of the election? One can only hope.
good riddance to mike pillow. the guy that invented and patented adding 3 different sizes of shredded foam rubber scraps to a pillow case and claims it is one of the best pillows available.