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Writer's pictureNoah

Midnight Meme Of The Day! One Great Postage Stamp For Our Times!

by Noah

This Wednesday, July 20, is the anniversary of the first moon landing, a massive project that took us just a little over eight years to complete from start to finish. It was a successful endeavor and it was successful despite 58% of the troglodyte public saying they were against it. Ideally, in a better universe than the one we inhabit, it wouldn't take that long to put Traitor Don in jail, or better yet, just cram him into one of Hitler's original volkswagens and shoot him into the sun.

Sadly, we still have a whole lotta troglodytes walking among us, not to mention a system of justice that prides itself on coverups, foot dragging, payoffs, and pardons for the worst people this country produces. "It's the money, stupid!" In any event, I have a way to commemorate the glorious day depicted in tonight's meme whether it ever actually happens or not. Call it an "It's the thought that counts" moment. I send waves of contempt and storms of darkness towards the enemies of righteousness and every little bit counts! Or, at least it makes me feel a little better.

I only recently discovered that you can buy postage stamps from the U.S. Postal Service (such as it is now) or, much better, you can make your own customized stamps at one of their approved online sites. Until now, I've never thought to try it, but, what the hell, imagine the irony of using an idea I came up with such as the one pictured above. Won't Traitor Don's pal Postmaster Louis DeJoy just love it? I'd love to tattoo it right on his expansive forehead area.

I'd also love to tattoo it onto Roger Stone's back right below the one he has of Nixon right between his shoulder blades. I'm sure Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell would love to have the same, although I'm sure ol' Moscow Mitch already has one of Vladimir Putin. But, I digress!

My nifty postage idea (Yes, I'm very proud of myself) would also make a nice bigly flag, too! You could fly it proudly on your lawn, especially if some typical GOP Trump idiot lives next door. Makes a great conversation piece. Just make sure you're armed. I never go out without my machete these days!

And, I know what yer thinkin'. You're thinkin' the flag version naturally lends itself to massive anti-Trump boat and truck parades, aren't ya? Well, have at it! Be sure to drive right through or sail right past any of those little goose stepping nazi enclaves in your area. Don't forget to send some mail to the RNC! And, remember, your parade is one small step for a true patriot, one great postage stamp for our times!



Jul 19, 2023

ahhh. good to have the hatewatt back.

no... Noah did not really stress that aspect of it. He gets a lot closer than Howie, but still pulls up before he gets there.

The day this page declares, as I do, that your democraps are shit and must be euthanized... is the day he goes there.

Interesting how you can parse my syntax in such detail, but still relentlessly refuse to comprehend any meaning. Typical of haters, though. very anti-woke of you.


Jul 18, 2023

Guestcrapper, Isn't that part of the point of the post? Noah put it right out there and made it pretty obvious.

And don't think a lot of us haven't noticed how usually the only capital letter in your comments is the I, but that's what it's all about to you. I in caps. Everything else in lower case. I I I I Me Me Me Look at Me Me I I Me. What a sick ego you have!


Jul 18, 2023

and another reminder of your pussy democraps refusing to undo a trump evil (dejoy).

is it even possible to lambaste nazis or voters without an implication that democraps are useless pussies? I think not.


Jesse Salisbury
Jesse Salisbury
Jul 18, 2023

love this . i think we could easily create a full sheet of 50 . (lets not forget the DEJOY stamp )

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