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  • Writer's pictureNoah

Midnight Meme Of The Day! Once Again, The Media Gives A Free Pass To Trump

Traitor Don Already Has More Than Enough Enablers...

by Noah

Due to events being what they've been, I've been changing things up a bit today and yesterday. There's no Sunday Thoughts post today so just call the above "Your Weekend Cartoon" and maybe we'll be back to normal next week. Ha!

So, here 'tis: Remember when Romney beat Obama in their first debate? Remember President Romney? Remember McCain's "Joe the Plumber" or whatever it was? Remember President McCain? Remember how VP candidate Lloyd Bentsen's "I knew Jack Kennedy and you're no Jack Kennedy" got Mike Dukakis into the White House? Yeah, me neither. The media hacks went crazy though.

The point is, instead of playing up the flaws of President Biden's lackluster but generally fact and substance filled "debate" performance and piling on with negativity, how 'bout the media tools and fools of the billionaire and nazi class spend more time focusing on Traitor Trump and his non-stop tsunamis of lies, his 34 convictions, the 54 more counts he's currently facing, his lifetime of racism and abuse of women, his mob incitements, and all the deaths on his hands due to his deliberate and psychotic mishandling of the COVID pandemic. Need I go on? These people are no better than the criminal they continually give a free pass to and I'm not just talking about two dimwits named Tapper and Bash, far from it. I'm surprised CNN and FOX aren't fighting it out to have a "Debate Talk With Lindsey Graham" show. The loser of that one will have a copycat show with either Tommy Tubbervile or Ron DeSantis hosting.

And one more thing: The once reputable New York Times didn't even wait 24 hours before their editorial board loudly and proudly called for President Biden to step aside, citing his "debate" performance. 24 hours!!!! Did Biden call any of our military suckers and losers? Did Biden call any white supremacsits "very fine people?" Did Biden tell any Americans to inject bleach or stick light bulbs up their asses? Excuse me but I kinda think those things are much worse than anything Joe Biden said on Thursday night so, I've been waiting a whole lot longer than 24 hours, years in fact, for the New York Times to call on Donald J-6 Trump to step aside. They haven't, not even a hint of it, and that speaks volumes about what kind of people they are and what they now represent. Back when I was a journalism student, The New York Times was something to look up to. Those days are long gone. 

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