by Noah
When I close my eyes and imagine Kremlin Kevin McCarthy, I see a clown in clumsy clown shoes who has spent his life running down stairs throwing dozens of fresh, gooey banana peels in his own path. The guy has obviously banged his head so many times that it's a miracle he can even speak at all let alone be Speaker of the House. Yet, there it is: In the Republican Mind Hive, Kremlin Kevin can pass for genius.
Apropos of nothing, the nothingness seems to be spreading - notably (or perhaps not so) Chastened, Trump Comes Out For The Losing Side Of The Abortion Debate To Please The Fanatics links to nothing. If there is a counter-revolution it will not be televised, streamed, Tweeted . . . What it will be??
As to the putative topic of national security; the not-leaked info appears to be the far more substantial danger to world security. Every leak has shown our government, largely unbeknownst to our elected officials, justifies Pogo's pithy report from the Okefenokee Swamp "We have met the enemy and they is us."
The present leaks, McCarthy's & that via Discord, have the odious distinction of 'jeopardizing human assets'…