by Noah
No, I don't mean all she had to do was honestly answer a simple question about the Civil War. I mean her flagrant inability to present herself as some sort of "New Kind Of Republican" and get away with it at least until the end of the past year. After all, she had the help of nearly every media hack out there! The media had been twisting themselves into pretzels in trying to present her as some sort of more palatable "moderate" Republican in a world where even a "moderate" Republican is still a Nazi or, at the very, very least, a Nazi sympathizer or enabler with visions of being a goose-stepper in their dreams.
Of course, truth be told, "Nikki" was never going to be able to hide what she really is, at least to anyone with an IQ over 75. The only question was and is, how many American voters will ever be sentient enough to care or know one way or the other. I'll remind you at this point that 74,000,000 Americans have demonstrated that they have no problem with Donald Trump being a Hitler quoting Nazi and a traitor who's not only a total racist but is owned and operated by Vladimir Putin and he is their Number One Choice.
In closing tonight, let me just say that it says a lot about Republican voters when their candidates can't bring themselves to say that the Civil War was about slavery for fear of offending them. Case closed.