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Midnight Meme Of The Day! Need A List Of Summer Reads Or Movies?

Writer: NoahNoah

Check 'Em Out Before They're Banned Everywhere!

by Noah

I've read or seen nearly all of the titles mentioned in the meme above, most of them a very long time ago when they were closer to fiction than they are now. Now, they are a lot closer to being historical novels or documentaries. I often read the mentioned books back when I was supposed to be doing my homework and reading something else but maybe that just added to the thrill of subversiveness. Anyway, 1984 is both in the past and right now. More importantly, the centerpiece above, Project 2025, is totally right now. It is the 900+ page modern day Mein Kampf laid out* by Donald Trump, a shell of a man his own VP pick calls "The American Hitler," and several of his closest advisors. Traitor Trump and his party of Nazis and domestic terrorists is intent on making what's in the book very, very real. I'm not sure if it's available as an audio book or not but, in a better world, it would be broadcast from vans equipped with loudspeakers tooling up and down every street in America. Would many of your neighbors embrace the evil laid out in the book? Sure, but it's nice to know who and what they are once and for all. Hell, just take it to the beach and see who gives you a dirty look. 

In order to make the horrors of Project 2025 come to fruition, Elon Musk is giving $45,000,000, ($45 Million!) per month to the Trump/Vance campaign which is precisely what I have been saying the Trump/Ryan 2017 Tax Scam was all about from day one. It was always designed to be a way for multi-multi-millionaires to become multi-billionaires and multi-multi-billionaires like Musk to eventually become trillionaires. In short, they get the tax break money with the understanding that there will be even more "tax break" gifts from a Republican controlled Congress as long as there's enough of a percentage kicked back to "the right politicians." Mob stuff. This makes gold bars buried in the backyard look like pennies. It's the construction of ultimate power through ultimate wealth. Meanwhile Paul Ryan sits in his chair on the FOX board and pretends to not like his boy Trump while Peter Thiel owns, funds, and operates J.D. Vance, just like Harlan "Hitler Garden Guy" Crow owns, funds, and operates Clarence Sale Thomas and who knows who else. It was Thiel who even picked out Vance** and brought him to "America's Hitler." If Thiel gets any more influence over Trump and Vance, he better be careful that a jealous Putin doesn't have him flying out a window.


Addendum 1: *Traitor Trump says he knows nothing about Project 2025 or who's behind it, but put that in the context of when he said he had no idea who Grand Wizard David Duke was, or, never met E. Jean Carroll, wasn't allowed to testify in his trials, didn't know what he was being charged with, never banged a certain porn star or knew anything about paying her a mere $130,000 so she wouldn wreck his 2016 election chances, claimed he's the "least racist person," loves Muslims, said "I cherish women," never said, "Laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is. I believe that," says he didn't call to have Hillary Clinton locked up, doesn't know who the Proud Boys are, denied quoting Hitler about immigrants poisoning the nation's blood, said he had a new and better health care plan, said he had an infrastructure plan, said he'd lower drug costs, said he'd reduce insulin costs, said he'd reduce the deficit, said he'd get Mexico to pay for the wall...

Addendum 2: **Vance is the personification of the next and more extreme evolution of the MAGA movement but he's nowhere near as stupid as one might expect. He has stated that he believes America needs a Caesar style dictator instead of anything even remotely resembling a democracy and he shares Trump's "poisoning the blood of America" madness and by that I mean total 100% insanity. Christ, he, like his new boss, is even married to an immigrant (She clerked for Brett Kavanaugh and John Roberts in the Supreme Court) but, if you saw his speech at the Nazi Convention in Milwaukee Wednesday night, you might have seen Vance literally blame the playoff collapse of the NFL's Detroit Lions on immigrants along with a bad performance of the "Star Spangled Banner" at the MLB's Home Run Derby on Monday Night. No, I don't get the connection either but, suffice to say, this wacko has Idi Amin-Pol Pot potential, folks. Insanity like Vance's doesn't get better or cured. Vance is already way off in the deep end. He's way beyond that fruitcake in Texas that puts razor wire in the river so he can watch babies die. Meanwhile, the media hacks are only focused on Joe Biden's aging.

A Postscript: I rarely get around to reading comments to the posts in a timely fashion. It's a time thing but I do try. Often though, messages come to me via the email world to prod me into checking out a comment more quickly. Such has been the case 2 or 3 times recently when commenter HiWatt11 has taken the time to draw on his or her expertise as an attorney to add some pertinent legal background information to one of my posts. Most recently, the contribution came in the form of a more detailed explanation of how it was New York DA Alvin Bragg's painstakingly prepared 34 count strategy that was able to raise the seriousness of numerous slightly lesser charges to the more serious one of election interference by tying them together at the end. HiWatt11's enlightening contribution is one I have seen on Lawrence O'Donnell's program but I had not included it in detail in my post. So thank you HiWatt11. Other emailers also expressed their appreciation. You also happen to write well. Please let me know if, in the future, it would be ok to quote you in part or in whole in what I write whenever I come across one of your comments or it's pointed out to me.

1 Comment

Jul 19, 2024

All valuable reads. But the one you need first is NOT fiction: "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich". Read about the Rise at a minimum. P2025 is an updated Rise almost act for act.

In fact, whatever you can find by Shirer is valuable. He was there in the middle of it. And he also tended to get closer to the cancer than just the symptoms.

But at this late date, I'm quite sure that so very few americans have the intellectual potential, much less the historical perspective, to comprehend and draw parallels, it wouldn't do any good. No more good than voting for democraps has done since the '60s.

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