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Midnight Meme Of The Day! Morning Joe Scarborough: Asshole Supremo

Writer's picture: NoahNoah

by Noah

Now that the 2022 Election is approaching its final phase, I feel compelled to throw a nice hot cowpie into the deserving face of another Repug: MSNBC's "Morning Joe" Scarborough, a former Republican congressman from Flor-i-duh and a former personal friend of Donald Trump, too. Republican. Flor-i-duh Man. Trump. That's 3 strikes right there, although, to be fair (and I'm always fair), he did eventually turn against his former friend when others didn't. Maybe I should have thrown in the 4th strike of him being a Newt Gingrich congressional manservant back in the day.

I admit I don't often turn on Scarbourgh's show but, on one recent pre-election morning, I was up early and there he was on my TV screen. Christ! Will you look at that guy, I thought! He has that same dumb, befuddled expression that so many conservatives have! It's not unlike Tucker Tiki Torch Carlson! Another whiner, too! Anyway, it got worse as he opened his yapper and spewed out a sickening over the top mocking of John Fetterman. His attacks were disturbingly childish; centering on the fact of Fetterman having had a stroke rather than focusing on Fetterman's politics. They reminded me of when Donnie Psycho made fun of that New York Times reporter's disability.

Fetterman had a mild stroke, a stroke from which he is recovering nicely. Scarborough's attacks were grotesque and really down right evil. We all know people who have had a stroke and beat it. At worst, Fetterman searches for a couple of words. The thoughts and words are there but he has to pause. Big deal. Who doesn't have a similar issue from time to time, stroke or no stroke? Clearly, Scarborough was in a disgusting mocking mode. Let's just say that, when compared to "Morning Joe," Fetterman has the better words. Scarborough's vileness was inexcusable. If I was in charge at MSNBC, I would have picked up the red phone and had security haul him off the set live for all to see. He should have been fired on the spot. He wasn't even suspended. I put on the Weather Channel.

Sorry Joe, but John Fetterman beat your con man, Dr. Oz. I'll also match Fetterman's thoughts, inarticulate that they may be at times, against his snake oil salesman opponent's thoughts any day, and, maybe those like Scarborough should take a look at all those of both parties in both houses of Congress who are far worse off mentally right now, stroke or no stroke, than John Fetterman. Did you ever hear Scarbourgh say anything about the ancient racist Strom Thurmond as he approached his 100th birthday? That guy was being wheeled in and out of the Senate to vote like it was "Weekend At Bernies" every damn day. Just for starters, Scarborough would have more wisely spent his time on the mental faculties of his fellow conservatives such as Rand Paul, Louie Gohmert, Chuck Grassley or Herschel Walker instead of John Fetterman. Now's your chance at a bit of redemption Joe. You've proven yourself unfit for your job even without a stroke.

Now, I wonder what Morning Joe Scarborugh says about Senator Tammy Duckworth behind her back and what would he say about Stephen Hawking? Oh, that's right.Hawking was one of those dreaded "science people." I bet, as a kid, Scarborough was the kind of asshole who threw rocks at the special kids van. Scarborough is nothing more than rat droppings in a suit.


1 Comment

Nov 15, 2022

msdnc soils itself by actually paying that fox pos.

"mental faculties of his fellow conservatives such as Rand Paul, Louie Gohmert, Chuck Grassley or Herschel Walker"

I'll be charitable and just ask: wrt: goomert and walker, WHAT mental faculties?

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