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Writer's pictureNoah

Midnight Meme Of The Day! More Projections From The Pro-Human Misery Party!

by Noah

We all know that Republican sadists are always looking for new ways to hurt people but it's especially fascinating to watch Republican politicians attack so many people who voted for them and gave them their cushy, taxpayer paid lifestyles. Overt sadism, meet eager masochism. Jeez, it's bad enough when the Democrats give us the likes of Chucky Schumer but, give Republican voters the chance to vote for the Texas Chainsaw Massacre guy and they'll run to the polls! And speaking of Texas, remember when those nutjobs voted for "Ted" Cruz and he fled to Cancun during a cold wave induced power failure and left the family dog at home to freeze? I bet he snickered at that one. Yup, not even a family dog is safe from a Repug.

How else can you sanely explain how Republican voters in the states most prone to hurricanes and tornadoes keep voting for the sadistic, psychopathic a-holes named in tonight's meme? That's a rhetorical question, at least as far as I can see. Imagine that you live in a highly hurricane prone state in the confederacy. Wouldn't you want to know that the people you vote to send to Washington would vote to help you out if/when disaster strikes, especially in this time of bigger and more frequent storms? Well... Not the fools that voted for these people! Obviously Republican voters don't just hate immigrants, legal or otherwise, they hate themselves and they will keep sending anti-FEMA goons to Washington to prove it! Like I say, our species has reached a point where it is largely too stupid to continue. Who needs a WW3 when we can just keep sending politicians who long to drown their constituents. I bet they're hoping for flood caused cholera outbreaks as well. It's what republicans call fun.

So, just how stupid and evil are Republican voters this time, now that Helene has wreaked havoc and Milton has followed in the wake? Here are two of the current mantras being parroted by Republican politicians and voters. Rather than address the causes of bigger and more powerful storms and try to see each other through the disasters they cause, these freaks continue to live in what they consider the comforting warmth of their endless conspiracy weaving. I haven't checked in on the media wackos at FOX, Newsmax and similar on this, but, really, why bother?

1. In a fit of projection, high profile Repugs are either now telling us that big bad Democrats aka socialists are refusing to help storm ravaged areas and/or stealing money out of FEMA and giving it to "illegal immigrants" to go vote for Kamala Harris. Here's the GOP Dear Leader himself spinning out the kind of pearls of wisdom that Republicans adore. 

"They stole the FEMA money, just like they stole it from a bank, so they could give it to their illegal immigrants that they want to have vote for them this season."

Nevermind the real world fact that you can probably count the number of "illegal Immigrants" caught voting at all on one hand. I remember when President Georg W. Bush, who came to us thanks to a sleazebag Supreme Court and masochistic voters, spent a cool $78 Million of our taxpayer dollars looking for that and all other kinds of voter fraud and found nothing. Imagine what sensible things we could have done with that $78 Million. Imagine, also, how much that $78 Million could be today if it had been properly invested on the country's behalf. And, Christ, why is it that every time we hear about a rare case of voter fraud these days, the perp is some brain dead legal citizen from some hellhole nut state like Tennessee or Idaho who voted using his name and then went back and voted using the name of a long dead relative; shades of Illinois in the 1960 election! Funny how recent fraudulent votes always seem to go for Trump, of course. In 50 years, Trump will be long gone and these republican people will still be putting on their red hats and dragging their knuckles to the voting place. Sure, you might think I'm exaggerating but the non-stop de-evolution of homo sapiens is real. And did you ever notice which party keeps begging their voters to have more babies?


2. Nope, I'm not exaggerating. Here's the latest and greatest from the GOP: Did you know that Democrats can now control the manufacture of hurricanes and guide them to targeted states? No? Just ask a Republican. You know like any of the lunatics in the above meme. How 'bout Marjorie Traitor Greene, for instance. Here's the latest GOP gospel she's been tweeting out to the acolytes of her eager Trump-loving, meth and conspiracy addicted party: 

Traitor-Greene has since doubled down on this genius thought of hers. I guess it got a lot of 'likes' the first ten times.

OK, that's it from me for today. I have to go get busy whipping up some tornados in my top secret Deep State laboratory and loading them into my trucks for another "On Time Delivery!" President Joe has already given me the coordinates and made the delivery a priority! Damn, next week he wants me to deliver a category 5 hurricane to Mar-a-Lago and I don't know where I'll find the time!!!



21 hours ago

Crapper, The biggest blame goes to the republican party that voted to not convict Trump for his impeachment #1, remove him from office, and disqualify him from running for any office again. Their failure to join the democrats in impeachment #1 is why he is still allowed to run. They could have also joined with the democrats in disqualifying him as a result of impeachment #2. Your republican buddies had the DECIDING VOTES to convict and disqualify Trump in both cases. They voted to keep Trump around. All the democrats voted to convict. If you did not vote or work for democrats to assure that there would be enough democrats in office so that Trump could have been neutralized that…


a day ago

Good one Noah. Hard to know what to say anymore.

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