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Midnight Meme Of The Day! Mike Pence: A Would Be Lord Of Flies?

Writer's picture: NoahNoah

by Noah

Sunday Thoughts:

My God! Can you imagine going to a college that has presidential wannabe Mike Pence for a commencement speaker? Not me! I came close enough and I got the hell out of there after the first year! In fact, I mentally and emotionally checked out after 15 minutes. I spent time at a university in the weird paranoid island of central Pennsylvania where in the very first week I was there, they had a 94 year old state senator come and give a speech titled "The Importance Of Conformity." I didn't go. Shortly after that, I was called into the Dean's office because I hadn't pledged a fraternity. Hell, I hadn't even gone to one of their stupid parties.

Anyway, Liberty University is obviously even worse. They had Mike Pence. They had Mike Pence in 2023, not decades ago when I went to college! Living fossil nutjob Mike Pence! 2023!!! Yes, there are colleges located in the rings of Hell. I wonder if Pence brought any of his entourage of flies along. No doubt, "Mother" was there. She gotta make damn sure he isn't tempted by all them college gals. I'm sure they've got them some real bad, bad girls at ol' Liberty University just waitin' to show ol' Mike Pence the Devil's ways!

Anyway, I'm with Fuglesang on this. Damn good comedian, with a touch of philosophy and more than a little awareness of the politics world my mind resides in. Maybe more tolerant than me but I can deal with his brand of tolerance. He can put up with Christians, the real ones, not the hate-filled Republikook ones, and I feel I can at least have a conversation with real Christians even if I don't fully get it and it's the least likely of any of the major religions that I would ever fall for. I don't shun Christians if they actually are Christians and behave themselves. But, Pence's perverted brand of Christianity? Not a chance in hell or heaven or anywhere in between. Shun those Beelzebubbas like Pence and his crowd that Fuglesang is talking about? You bet! In a heartbeat! Good for my eternal soul and all that. Shun them all. Every damn one. If it's a Republican, I cut off all six of its legs and shun for eternity! No forgiveness or redemption offered.


5 commentaires

28 mai 2023

Guestcrapper, Maybe you'd gain the respect you moan about not having if you didn't try to put words into the mouths of others to make your flimsy points. By taking it upon yourself to define what Noah would and would not call a "real christian" even when it would be clear to any clearheaded readers, you have again revealed either your out of control sociopathic ego or your minimal understanding of English, or both. The key phrase is "behave themselves" or "if they actually are Christians and behave themselves." It's clear and has been clear that Noah thinks that those who adhere to the ideals of Christianity without hypocrisy are in very short supply if they exist at all. Isn't…

28 mai 2023
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valve let go big time, didn't it?

hate is like that. but I don't need to tell you.

if you've ever read a fraction of the old testament, you'll see that the daddy god set the example for all the christo-sociopaths, -psychopaths, -malignant narcissists, -megalomaniacs, -hypocrites, -genocidists and -dumber than shits. So, REAL christians are as I described. all through the 2K years of christo-history who "behaved themselves" were in the minority.

note: real christians are pikers compared to daddy god. he snuffed the entire human population, save 4, in the definitive godly hissy fit; snuffed two cities in a second in a minor hissy fit and ordered the snuffing of a population of Canaanites. Christians have been unable …


28 mai 2023

you should not conjure any distinction between the christonazis of pence and what you call "real christians". When it suits them, which is pretty much all the time these days, all christians are nazis. remember that daddy god set the tone with several genocides which were then copied to varying degrees of success by the many crusades, several inquisitions, the syphilus blankets handed to american natives, the holocaust and, according to your "real christians" the AIDS death toll and, according to many of your christians, the millions dead from covid so far.

I'm quite sure I'm forgetting several others.

now that their ultimate power is within their grasp, look for them to be a bigger part of the next insurrection.…


28 mai 2023

My father, a left wing politico, always used to say, "The Catholic church was the worst force in human history." I quote him frequently, more so these days. Hypocrisy on steroids.

29 mai 2023
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religion is the worst force for evil in humankind's history. catholicism is the worst of the lot.

but humans are "wired" to need gods. when one does not make itself known, humans have proved to be very capable of creating them. and, natch, they create gods that have all human flaws, with hate and jealousy magnified.

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