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Midnight Meme Of The Day! Meet Senator Penis Nose!

Writer: NoahNoah

by Noah

That's Senator "Ted" Penis Nose to you!

Sometimes you're such a dick that you begin to actually look like one. Take a close look at that nose. It's changing shape before our eyes! "Ted" is becoming Full Monty all the time!

Hence forward, "Ted" Cruz shall always be known as Senator Penis Nose. Texas Senator Penis Nose! The pride of Texas! Hey Texas! Tell him to put a bag over his head and stop flashing us!!! That face should be compelled to at least wear a Speedo!!!!!! Whenever the $enate is in session, the majority leader should declare a one person speedo mandate for that thing!

Senator Penis Nose! Senator Penis Nose!!!! Repeat it until people can't think of calling him anything but.

If you ever see Penis Nose in an airport headed for Cancun, shout it out! "Yo, Penis Nose!" "Over here, Penis Nose!" "Can I have your autograph Mr. Senator Penis Nose??!!!???"

What happens when he lies?

1 Comment

Feb 28, 2023

"The lesson here is simple, and nothing new: Much of the Trump resistance at the voter level is real resistance to much that real progressives also oppose — the relentlessly advancing, immoral rule-by-the-rich our modern elites support (and benefit from). Those people, those resistance voters, should be led to join us, not vilified as Behar and others cruelly do. " The other thing about name-calling and vilification, even of those who have done something to deserve it, is that it undermines your position as a rational actor. There are so many powerful and logical reasons to criticize and vote against Ted Cruise. The shape of his nose isn't one of them.

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