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Midnight Meme Of The Day! Matt Gaetz Nominated To Serve Man! 

Writer's picture: NoahNoah

Are Very Special Hamberders On The Menu?

by Noah

OK, maybe not. Maybe (emphasis maybe) Matt Gaetz isn't really an alien but we've certainly entered a GOP Twilight Zone not unlike that show's famous "To Serve Man" episode where a bunch of naive fools fall for a con job to end all con jobs and find themselves trapped and doomed when it's way too late. Matt Gaetz is from Flor-i-duh so that's close enough. Personally, if given the choice of Trump as president and Matt Gaetz as his Attorney General or alien invasion, well, WTF is the difference? And, who knows, maybe some alien civilization is watching us very closely right this very moment and deciding that our species is a failed experiment and it's time to steer a giant asteroid our way before we destroy the rest of the Universe. Can you blame them if they've just totally had it with us?


Nov 19, 2024

I don't know who wrote the "To Serve Man" episode where a bunch of naive fools fall for a con job to end all con jobs and find themselves trapped and doomed when it's way too late.

The last episode was shot in 1964. Did they foresee the 1968 election? Or all elections since? Or was this just another impossible dystopian fiction?

Well, 330 million naive fools is all it took... and it came true. Only in america? sadly, maybe this is not the only place where this shit can happen. All because the last ice age didn't kill every single hominid!!

Nov 19, 2024
Replying to

Yeah. In '62 I still had "faith" that mankind wasn't dumber than shit. It was more of a presumption I guess. But by '68 I knew better. Still, I HAD hoped (absent any real concrete evidence) that we would WTFU and fix it before 1980 happened. We didn't.

I thought maybe we'd trip and fall face first into an epiphany before 2000 happened. We didn't.

I fantasized that we'd get hit with an asteroid or something that would WusTFU before 2016 happened. We didn't.

And now here we all are. I can't even muster a fantasy any more.

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