Your Saturday Cartoon

by Noah
March To Madness? Hell, we've already been there since the first hunter-gatherer pulled the wrong root out of the ground and threw it in the pot. We've been stark raving mad for eons. It's just a matter of degree. And right now, it's snowballing downhill at a faster and faster rate. Jeez, is that a wall moving towards us or are we moving towards a wall. Doesn't really matter at this point, does it?
I don't follow college basketball but I do know that the big NCAA college basketball tournament, aka March Madness, happens every year. Something like 32 teams from around the country make the final bracket and lots of bets get placed and lots of beer and t-shirts get sold. Whatever. Just not my thing but I know it pulls lots of eyeballs to the TV machine. One could also say that it distracts a lot of people from the year round madness at hand. Hence, today's cartoon.
Looks like next year's tournament will be played with pipe bombs and the appropriately named Molotov Cocktails. Are ya up for that?
Hey crapper, it's a good thing you've been out working so hard organizing and raising money to make the situation better instead of being a lazy fuck that sits at his computer and bitches, whines, and points fingers at everyone else all day.
And the big diff in this bracket: only losers advance. And, yes, america is the big loser.
But that's what y'all keep voting for... so... there's that.