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Midnight Meme Of The Day! Making American Women 2nd Class Again

Writer's picture: NoahNoah

by Noah

Sunday Thoughts:

There's more to the Supreme Court's removal of the right to an abortion than just the Republican Party's delusional quest for more white babies to be born so that whites remain in the majority, of course. It's also not just about the innate Republican desire to combine church with state in order to impose their religious beliefs upon us all and set up a "Christian" version of a caliphate. As with the GOP's Taliban role models, the achievement of any abortion bans are also about the subjugation and oppression of women of all creeds and races by decreeing that women have only one role in life and can never be allowed to have dreams of equality, or a career, or ever being independent enough in any way, shape, or form to live a fully fulfilled life.

Far be it for me to be somewhat facetious but suppose it really was all about the babies. Might then all prenatal doctor visits be paid for by some kind of Universal Maternal Care legislation? How about having it so a woman doesn't have to pay a single penny to go to a hospital or clinic to give birth, not even if it was quintuplets. Any complications would be paid for, too! Oh, and let's not forget an option of up to a full year of parental leave.

Can I be extra greedy and go for free diapers, formula, and lactation consultation? Childcare, safe and secure universal preschool and pre-K, too? How about a subsidized fund for the child's future education? Nah! No one in Washington would go for that. We need all that money to give the oil companies corporate welfare socialism in the form of their annual billions of dollars in subsidies paid for by our taxes, not to mention give more tax breaks to the likes of Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and five-sixths of the U.S. Congress.

Be sure to send some soiled diapers to your favorite "Supreme" court "justices." Include a nice note.

3 commentaires

03 juil. 2022

FTR, hatewatt, noah did say delusional. but he did not say why. I did.

When you know just how stupid americans truly are, it's important to 'splain shit.

but none of that matters to you. you just like to bitch and project.

you'll make a fine member of the coming reich. play your cards right, you could be a mid-level officer in the SS... and you could be herding untermensch into those showers. Smiling broadly, no doubt.


03 juil. 2022

crapper, you have given another example of your lack of reading comprehension. The writer pointedly says "delusional quest" and the Delusional Quest is what the theory has been called for decades. Noah is referring to what the Nazi Party has been fantasizing for decades and continues to. Yet, in your limited mind, it's what Noah fantasizes about. To try to make it clearer for you, he is referring to what they think not what he thinks. That's too difficult for you? Once again you were so eager to say something, anything, just to say "hi, look at me" that your limited mind either couldn't absorb what was being said or you just subconsciously saw it as something that got in…


03 juil. 2022

babies? meh. once they emerge into the world, nazis could not care less.

in fact, they MIGHT be willing to give each and every post-preborn a free tattoo of a bullseye on their face so as to help the 2nd-amendment enthusiasts when, not if, they are blown to hamburger in their 3rd-grade classroom... NOT learning about racism or history or civics or math or science or...

and you fantasize that this is meant to swell the numbers of whites. But the birth rates of non-whites far out paces that of whites. what this means in about 30 years is that the whites will be an even smaller minority than they would have been anyway.

so... them whites will have to…

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