Sunday Thoughts

by Noah
Way too many people would have you believe that there are Republicans that aren't MAGA but I am not one of those. So, consider me woke. I just don't see any difference at all. Take a look at the list. Does that describe what it means to be MAGA? Yes. Does it describe what it means to be a Republican? Yes. No difference. Simple as can be. And above the list of despicable identical traits is only partial. Perhaps most damning of all is the fact that people who proudly call themselves Republicans and people who can't wait to show you how MAGA they are all endorsed the person who most strongly personifies the listed traits with their votes on 11/5. He is they and they are him.
And it's the same as hitler's prelude to the holocaust in the '30s.
So you might think THAT can't happen here? You'd be wrong.
your maga and their nazi had the same religion: hate. you've added a few more convenient targets, but hate is hate. That list is just a few symptoms and consequences of hate.
The destination can easily be the same as hitler and himmler and heydrich.