by Noah
Republicans may call the murderous events of January 6, 2021 just "legitimate political discourse" and "tourist visits" but, in actuality, as we can see every day, the Nazi Party of Traitor Don has never stopped its coup plans. From Trump and RNC Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel down to their lowest operatives, their efforts to stage a rolling coup attempt in order to end all traces of democracy and set up an authoritarian dictatorship here in the United States will continue. In that, they are following the blueprints of their benefactor Vladimir Putin. Don't be naive. Don't be gullible, and don't go around thinking "no one would ever be so evil." Evil feeds on complacency. Evil feeds on lack of action.
So here we are. The latest and perhaps most important step in the Grand Old Nazi Party plan has now been achieved. A nutcase who also happens to have been one of the very top, if not the top, architects of the J-6 coup attempt, Louisiana's Mike Johnson, is now in place as Speaker of the House and second in line for the presidency. He has also already told us that he would not have stood in the way of his party's coup attempt like Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Republican VP Mike Pence did. Why would he since he was one of its key planners? Pelosi and Pence differ in seemingly countless ways but both are loyal to the Constitution (mostly in Pence's case) and the country and they both chose to certify the election of the man the people of this country chose to be their president. With Johnson in place, we won't be as lucky as we were. Whether it's social issues, crackpot religion, healthcare, bodily autonomy, sexuality and gender issues, human decency, or democracy itself, republicans in the House have put a Speaker in place that they feel best stands for everything they and their party stands for. After all, that's exactly why republican voters sent them to Washington.
took most media a while to realize this.
what will democraps do? same thing they did last time -- hide and pray.