by Noah
We all know there has been a tsunami of words said about the Republican Party's top, but not their only, traitor being found guilty on 34 felony counts last Thursday afternoon but I haven't heard anything about one aspect of this. The aspect is that 12 "ordinary Americans," 100% of a jury chosen through the investigation and grilling efforts of both the defense and prosecution teams, had the morals and the courage to do what barely 50% of those in each house of Congress, put there by "ordinary Americans," were willing to do. In other words, you can take a random 12 people off the street and chances are a hell of a lot better that they will do the right and just thing than those who sit in Congress.
Those 12 people in that New York courtroom. at least one of which told everyone he only gets his "news" from FOX-Pravda and Traitor Don's Truth Social, have more honesty, human decency, and moral courage in them, not to mention a respect for the law, than the sum total of all those cretins in Congress who refused to find Traitor Don guilty as charged and remove him from office, thus continuing their long time fever dreams of Nazism being brought to them by their staggeringly flatulent orange god. And, it is very likely that we will see the same attempts of cementing a Republican Reich in place from the court that is now supreme in name only.
All we can do is vote to re-elect those in Congress who voted to remove the orange cancer and we will do so knowing that, in other important areas, most of them will do as little as they possibly can do to effect serious improvements in our lot, if only to prevent any stoppages of korporate cash flow into their pockets. Yes, money is the root of all evil and money in politics is exponentially more evil.
Stormy Daniels is obviously very bright by the way. She was even the valedictorian of her high school class. Trump? Not so much. His IQ is half of what hers obviously is. That says tons about what gets to the top of the political world and that political world is not embarrassed at all! Too dumb and shameless to be. Too bad us voters get to vote only for the table scraps of humanity. Like a bunch of feral dogs and cats. OK, maybe we're just a bunch of monkeys throwing shit at each other.
Two more thoughts:
I've only met a handful of porn actors and actresses in my life, 4 or 5 that I know of or can remember. They were all straight ahead, level-headed, reasonably intelligent people. Well spoken, too. Anyway, in reading Stormy's testimony, it occurs to me that if her brain power is any example, this country just might do better if it could vote for a slate of porn actors and actresses. Admit it, wouldn't Ron Jeremy be a better House Speaker than what we've got?
I want a program of annual reparations for having to deal with all this. Nothing outrageous. Just a $150,000 a year sounds fair, for starters.
Hatewatt's trademarked hate and condescension aside, he exhibits an unusually overt stupidity here. I asked some pertinent questions below. His answer seems to be... we do what we are told and that's all there can ever be.
And then he falls into the predictable russian bot horse shit that he knows is just that.
If he sees condescension, it's simply because HE is the problem I keep asking "WHY" about, and he keeps saying "cuz I said so". side note: when my parents lost patience with my questions when I was 5 and said that, I knew they just didn't want to bother any more.
And that's the whole genesis of the shithole, that hatewatt epitomizes. again. still.
If you…
Guestcrapper's trademarked condescension aside, it is his thinking that is limited. I'm sure lots of us, including Noah, would love to vote for an independent candidate or a third party worthy of our votes but, other than Bernie Sanders in recent times, that candidate or party has not presented itself despite numerous halfbaked attempts. Maybe in crapper's delusional mind it has and that makes his statements sound sane to him (I apologize if I am using the wrong pronoun). Either that or crapper has again showed who he is working for and/or working against..Could be that he's just really good at being disingenuous for the sick fun of it all, even to himself. Call him the chronic keyboard masturbator. .
A good lament. However, the limited thinking on display does not portend well for us/US... and prolly 'splains the shithole:
"All we can do is vote to re-elect those in Congress who voted to remove the orange cancer and we will do so knowing that, in other important areas, most of them will do as little as they possibly can do to effect serious improvements in our lot"
Why? Why is that "all we can do"? Why can't we elect a party that would put the orange tumor up against a wall AND make serious improvements in everyone's lot?
note: your democraps have proved for years that they won't do either one. so why do you seem to think th…