Shirts That Match The Dark Dreams Of Republicans

by Noah
Yes, Kanye West sure knows the Republican market. He knows what Trump voters will go for. They've made it abundantly clear, and, for all we know this shirt idea came right from Kanye's meetings with the whole damn Trump family in the oval office. Kanye is all-in on Republicanism but, here we are, Trump fans selling swastika shirts and other shirts that are now outlawed in Germany. It's what to wear when your out waving your Confederate flags and Trump flags. This is the kind of thing that people like Co-Presidents like Trump, Musk, and all those $enators who confirm their nominees want for us. It's not just the permission, it's the encouragement and enabling.
A company named Shopify was processing orders for the shirt under the code HH-O1, as in Heil Hitler-01 but the Ye website has gone blank at least temporarily and apparently Shopify never expected such a bad reaction. I guess, if you want one of these shirts, you should try calling the offices of Tommy Tubervile, Marjorie Traitor Greene, or any other GOP member of Congress. I expect they'll all be using the shirts as value ads in their fundraising efforts. Welcome to Trump's America! Be sure to give an extra thanks to Mitch McConnell!
What? Too soon? Give it another week.