The tide rolls in... The tide rolls out... For this Labor Day 2022, I especially wish to acknowledge those who are left to grab their shovels and clean up messes.
Crapguy, It's a safe bet that we should take "Job Growth" in the headline with the intended snark and sarcasm. Your comment applies to only some of the jobs alluded to in the post. It matters which mess (Noah uses the plural) you are referring to. Lawyers, detectives, archivists, judges, etc. are not on minimum wage. We're even paying for their overtime.
1) you are correct about the plural. It is worthy to note that all those who are, at present, only pretending to look into trump are not on minimum wage. They get paid the same whether they are *doing* or only pretending to *do* something.
2) my main bitch goes all the way back to the slick willie/glba/cfma crash of 2008 about which obamanation and democraps refused to do "eric holder". 11 million jobs were destroyed. Since then, more jobs have been created. However, for every middle-class job that was sink-holed, 3 mcjobs have replaced it. It's impossible to find any stats on how many middle-class jobs have been created since then, but I'd bet you a v…
Crapguy, It's a safe bet that we should take "Job Growth" in the headline with the intended snark and sarcasm. Your comment applies to only some of the jobs alluded to in the post. It matters which mess (Noah uses the plural) you are referring to. Lawyers, detectives, archivists, judges, etc. are not on minimum wage. We're even paying for their overtime.
for the minimum wage of $7.25/hr. no benefits.