Dark Nights Of The Living MAGA Party!

by Noah
When you look and listen to some freak like JD Vance, you may think that Halloween came early this year but Halloween has been a 365 thing for years. It's just that the worst ghouls and monsters keep rising to bigger and bigger prominence, helped along the way by our society's general lowering of standards, typically immoral PR people, and irresponsible media hacks who coat these crazies with a sheen of false respectability, promote them to the forefront and then sit back to watch the ratings fun and count the advertising dollars rolling in. I'm voting against this very fact as much as anything this year.
When you look at the MAGA Party led by Dementia Don and his various zombie cohorts such as Vance, McConnell and Cruz, you can only see it as a really bad remake of George A. Romero's Night Of The Living Dead* with these monsters leading legions full of the brain eaten like RFK, Jr. Lauren Boebert, Stephen Miller, Tommy Tubervile, Lindsey Graham and all the rest as they come to infect you and wreck your house and, if they can't get to it, they will willfully do whatever they can to make sure the climate does it for them. They're all cheered on by the likes of Ilsa Ingraham, Hannity, Steve Bannon, and Alex Jones. Oh, and did I mention Roger Stone, the walking asswipe that has the face of Nixon tattooed on his back? Meanwhile, take a good look at Rudy Giuliani with his rotted teeth, dripping saliva and black goo emanating from seemingly every pore. Do you think that guy is actually alive? No way. Rotting zombies all. And all caused not by radiation or some horrid disease. Nope, just the inner person coming out of its husk.
*Based on a book by the great Richard Matheson. I encouraged you to google the film. There is a fine, detailed synopsis available at wikipedia. You may know Matheson's name from his many Twilight Zone scripts.
All true. But...
"Halloween has been a 365 thing for years. It's just that the worst ghouls and monsters keep rising to bigger and bigger prominence, helped along the way by our society's general lowering of standards, typically immoral PR people, and irresponsible media hacks who coat these crazies with a sheen of false respectability, promote them to the forefront and then sit back to watch the ratings fun and count the advertising dollars rolling in. I'm voting against this very fact as much as anything this year."
"society's general lowering of standards" is true. What is not said but is kinda implied here is that YOU ALL are as much responsible for this as the nazis and their media.