That Makes Him America's Mussolini? No, Worse! Your Saturday Cartoon

by Noah
And he's proud of it, no doubt. I can just hear Traitor Don when J.D. Vance called him America's Hitler. With Trump so much is about flattery. I'm sure the "American's Hitler" interaction was like when some high school senior, let's call him J.D., wants to get over on the freshman girl that he's been spending an inordinate amount of time thinking about. You know how it goes: It goes like this, "Gosh, Donna Sue, you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen!" And she goes, "Really, you think I'm pretty? You're so nice to say so!" And it's over, the match is made and consummated. Then one day, Juvenile Delinquent boy feels the tables turn about the same time he realizes that Donna Sue's actually a total psychopath.
To put what J.D. Vance is in perspective, you might think of him as a "Ted" Cruz who is actually able to fake empathy but here's something else to consider about J.D. and his complete insanity that I referred to yesterday: I've observed enough of Traitor Don on my TV since his near fatal date with a bullet to see a man who is now walking around with what appears to be the totally glazed over look of an untreated post traumatic stress disorder case, aka PTSD. I suppose that the fact that Trump was already exhibiting a ton of mental disorders would make such a reaction to nearly being killed by an assassin all the more expected but the look on the face of the Orange Menace To Society tells me that, too old or not, Trump might not make it through another 4 year term. That means J.D., a man who's already told Traitor Don he's prepared to shred the Constitution and a man that tries his best to make Mike Pence look almost moderate in comparison, could be president sooner than you might think. I bet Vance and his owner-handler Peter Thiel are counting on it.
Hello to Noah. I just finished reading yesterday's midnight meme and the answer to your question in the postscript is that that would be very fine. It would be an honor, either "in whole or in part." Thank you.
Also, to clear up the question about my gender, I am he/him/his as the young people in my family say. I am semi-retired but do some work primatily in the immigration area as it relates both to the Latin American and, recently, Eastern European regions.
To "Guest" below, Noah has made it obvious that he sees the very real fuhrer possibility but his more subtle choice of the word 'president' here has more impact. The man is a poet at heart. His choice of words and their use within the language is pretty masterful.
by the time vance succeeds trump, it will be the office of fuhrer, not president.