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Midnight Meme Of The Day! It's Official! Nikki Haley Is Number Two!!!

Writer's picture: NoahNoah

by Noah

Yeah, Nikkki 3 Ks is #2 alright. Some people are saying she should get out, as in get out of the race, if not the country. She came in #2 in New Hampshire so Traitor Don wants her gone but he wanted her gone anyway. He's acting damn insecure about her, too. But, she's staying in even though Trump and official Trump Troll Kellyanne Conway is now calling her "an election denier" for not quitting yet. It's been a long, long time since the Republican Party has been so mean to a fellow racist! The Nasty-o-Meter dial is already spinning, spinning, spinning like a spinning top.

Meanwhile, the New Hampshire primary and the Iowa caucus have come and gone and, so far, Trump has 12 delegates for the upcoming Nazi Party Convention and Nikkki has 9; hardly the commanding lead that the Republicans and their media soldiers would have you believe. And, I don't know about you but I am damn sick and tired of seeing media hacks and pollster morons refer to those who vote for Nikkki 3 Ks as moderates!!! Yes, even on media outlets such as MSNBC, which, in the bigger picture, shouldn't really be all that surprising now, should it? Really? You can be racist and a moderate? A moderate racist? Wow! Who knew??!!?? These people are beyond the pale! Corporate media is corporate media. It's just a matter of degree. I guess MSNBC thinks we should give them a pass just because they aren't as bad as FOX, CNN, and Newsmax, et. al. when it comes to it, kinda like the Democratic Party always saying, "Hey, at least we're not as bad as the other guys!" 


So, let's get this straight: Nikkki Haley is a goddamn racist asshole and has gone way out of her way to prove it her whole damn political career. In the New Hampshire primary, she didn't win and neither did Traitor Don, at least not as much as the generic racist vote won. Trump got 54% of the votes. Nikkki 3 Ks got 43% of the votes. You know what that means? It means that 97% of the voters in the New Hampshire primary voted racist. Period. I'll almost be shocked if New Hampshire republicans don't start proposing that a Confederate flag be raised on a pole outside the state's Capitol Building just like in Nikkki's South Carolina. 



Jan 25, 2024

If someone is a candidate in the nazi party, they are a racist. It's assumed. Some may not say so, if they need nonwhite votes to win, but their party wouldn't have them if they were not, first and foremost, a racist (, misogynist, homophobe, christian nazi zealot...). But it's a nazi fetish to brag about it these days.


Jan 25, 2024

Yup, Nikki Haley is "number two." And trump is even more excremental.

Jan 25, 2024
Replying to

and biden is the shit taco to the nazis' shit burrito combo plate.

wouldn't you like to eat some real food for the first time since 1968? just askin.

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