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  • Writer's pictureNoah

Midnight Meme Of The Day! It's Concepts Of A Cartoon Day!

Your Saturday Cartoon: Draw Your Own! So Much Inspiration These Days!

by Noah

You know, like:

Concepts of a cartoon! Concepts like no one has ever seen before! Beautiful concepts. I have the best concepts! People come up to me with tears in their eyes and say, 'Sir, those are amazing concepts!'

Or, like the Republican Party has Concepts of a President or Concepts of Black Nazis, Concepts of Shutdowns, Concepts of Deporting Brown People, Concepts of Maximizing Pandemics, Concepts of School Shootings being fake. Oh well, at least they know "very fine people" when they see them, including, "tourists visiting the Capitol Building."


1 Comment

3 hours ago

the nazis have been drawing their own cartoons about their own party for decades.

I imagine a cartoon that makes all voters ashamed that they demanded this cluster fuck in 1980 and relentlessly insisted it keep getting "clustier" ever since. But that would require both a potential to understand and a sense of shame.

Maybe a cartoon that mocks them for their total lack of intellect AND shame. Yeah. That'd be the one I'd enjoy the most.

cuz we got what you all keep voting for... and mocking... and refusing to fix... for several decades... on purpose.

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