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Midnight Meme Of The Day! Is It Time To Vote Alabama Off The Island?

Writer: NoahNoah

by Noah

Alabama is not sending their best... well, maybe they are. Maybe what we see is actually the best they can do. They're plaguing the country, its democracy, and its happiness with people who have lots of problems. They act like they're doing drugs. They're racists, and some, I suppose are good people, but, certainly not anywhere near the majority. Sending Tommy Tubberville to Washington is proof of that and so is their choice of Christian Nationalist Judge Tom Parker who ruled that frozen embryos are people to run their Supreme Court. This ruling is a glimpse of the 2024 Republican Party platform. Ignore it at the nation's peril.

Oh, and there's this: Judge Parker, in making the insane ruling about frozen embryos, quoted the Bible and threatened that we would feel the wrath of his god if we didn't agree with him. Read this link if you want to see exactly how insane Parker is. It goes much deeper than just this ruling. I guess Alabama has never heard about the concept of "the separation of church and state." This is the path to no birth control, arrests for being gay, no education for girls and a whole lot more. It's not just about the garbage espoused by the likes of far right nutballs like Nikkki Haley and Donald Trump. Whatever we allow Republicans to get away with will only bring about worse. Learn from what's happened in other lands, people. Oh hell, maybe we should just vote Alabama off the island before they do that to us. We should have never let them back in the country after the Civil War that the South has never stopped fighting.


And no, it hardly matters what any Republican anywhere has to say about this now. They have shown what's in their hearts and minds time and time again. 74,000,000 of them made a choice.


Feb 27, 2024

As a preliminary matter, as a son in law of AL, I have no interest in seeing my wife's home state leave the union. She grew up in Huntsville (now the state's largest city)--her father worked at NASA under Von Braun. We were married there.

Greater Huntsville boasts a highly educated population:

Huntsville does not have the highest number of PhDs per capita (a statistic which inherently would include liberal arts degrees), though they do have the highest number of total Engineering degrees per capita (over 20K in absolute numbers), have very high numbers of STEM post-graduate degrees, and are ranked in the Top 3 list of US cities with the highest concentrations of STEM jobs

Like most states,…

Feb 27, 2024
Replying to

ibid. also applies to states.


Feb 27, 2024

"Whatever we allow Republicans to get away with will only bring about worse."

If only that epiphany had occurred 60 years ago. Noah and me are not enough. 2 cannot win elections.

"Learn from what's happened in other lands"

humankind? learn? Wouldn't THAT be nice!

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