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Midnight Meme Of The Day! In Hiring Ex-RNC Chair McDaniel, NBC Has Embraced Trump's Coup Attempt

Writer's picture: NoahNoah

by Noah

Back in December of 2022, I posted the midnight meme that you will find below. Horrifically, but not surprisingly, nothing has changed except for one thing: NBC, which is owned by Comcast, took a look at the treason-filled resume of one of Donald Trump's top coup planners and gave her a job. Talk about arrogance and a total contempt for both your audience and your country! Even after all the mayhem, maiming, and even murder, Ronna Romney McDaniel, as Chair of the Republican National Committee branded her coup attempt as "legitimate political discourse" and took a major part in the Republican Party's fake elector schemes and attempts to persuade states not to certify their election results. NBC took a look at all of this, and more, said that was all just fine and dandy, and gave Ronna Romney McDaniel a prime job. Who's next, Rudy Giuliani or McDaniel's brother from another mother Mike "Pillow Clown" Lindell? People in the Comcast boardroom need to go down for this and go down hard. Ditto the specific person or persons at NBC who are directly responsible for this classic corporate act of treason in the battle for both American democracy and the rule of law. Here's the text of the post- 

Yesterday [December 1, 2022- ed.] I wrote about Head Oath Keeper Stewart Rhodes being found guilty of Seditious Conspiracy and added that there are others who have, as yet, not been hauled into court, tried, and convicted for their roles in their part in attempting to overthrow the U.S. government. Obviously, I couldn't name them all in the limited space but certainly Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel is one of them. Sadly, she is being overlooked, not the least by a media that prefers to brainwash us into thinking that those who took part in the J-6 plot are somehow "fringe people" or the "far right." Like so many of our politicians, the media hacks refuse to acknowledge that "far right" ie. nazi traitors, and the Republican Party are one in the same and, when it comes to the top of the Republican Party, the traitorous and disgraced former president Donald Trump and RNC Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel are right there, so far not hog-tied, perp-walked, or, more to my liking, dragged naked over glass to meet justice, real justice, not this incessant slap on the wrist bullcrap. The authorities know where they live and yet no one has carted them away yet to fit them in the orange jumpsuits they deserve to wear for the rest of their days, and not in some cushy "prison" for the upper class. A miserable life of hard labor in a gulag would suit those two and the rest of their comrades just fine in my book.
Ronna Romney McDaniel was not only Miss "Legitimate Political Discourse" when her Domestic Terror Party moved to censure Rep. Liz Cheney and Rep. Adam Kinzinger for not being team players on Team Nazi, she was apparently fully aware of the fake electors scheme and who knows what else. To this day, McDaniel defends the fake electors by saying they were only doing what Trump asked; kinda like "They were only following orders." McDaniel has also been paying the Diaper Don's legal bills and doing it with money harvested by her coterie of donors to party causes. I get her emails every damn day. Everything about them and her is beyond mere psychosis.

A full investigation of Comcast's allegiances is called for.

2 commentaires

26 mars 2024

There seems to be nothing left to hold back the tide of fascism than the election in November. Congress is failing us, the courts are failing us and the mainstream media is toppling. The constitution is a mere piece of paper.

26 mars 2024
En réponse à

You left out the obvious: your own party has failed you. again. still. It should be a trivial matter to prove in court that rrm directed the fake elector coup strategery. so... and this is a question that should be asked constantly and never is... why isn't merrick garland doing shit about this?

It's all of you who blithely ignore your own party's refusal to do their job since 1968 who have allowed all that you just lamented. When you realize this, maybe you will also decide to whigify them once and for all and coalesce something that might save the republic from yourselves.

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