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Writer's pictureNoah

Midnight Meme Of The Day! If Only We Could Launch Jeff Bezos Into Space...

...Real Permanent Like.

by Noah

So, here we go. Washington Post and anti-union amazon owner Jeff Bezos is censoring cartoons now. He could do so very much good with even a fraction of his money but instead he's gone and pulled the above cartoon from his paper because it showed the truth of him joining with some of his fellow members of the billionaire filth class in bowing down to his favorite Hitler wannabe. That's his prerogative, of course. He is what he is. He made his choice long ago. Sadly, we can't go back in time and have his parents' tubes tied. The creator of the cartoon, Ann Telnaes, has joined the growing list of WAPO people who have recently resigned and why shouldn't she. Her inspiration and creativity would now always be dampened at her former place of employment. That's WAPO's loss and, when she finds a new outlet, it will be our gain.

This is the world we live in now; a world of new narcissistic, sociopathic robber barons who long so much to control all of our thoughts that they begin to lose their own sanity. I want to be fair. You know I always want to be fair, hence this post. In this case, I would hate for insane billionaire Elon Musk to get all the attention. Evidently, Jeff Bozos agrees. It wasn't enough that Bozos yanked his paper's endorsement of Kamala Harris, this time he's gone the route of Muslim extremists who can't stand truth being portrayed in a cartoon. Christ, his paper, the Washington Post, even has the motto "Democracy Dies In Darkness." Nice to know exactly where the owner really stands. Can you imagine if such a Goebbels acolyte was running WAPO back in the Watergate days? Nixon would have been president for life, which is no doubt what too many of these billionaire soon to be trillionaire scum want for their current favorite Nazi.


Here's a thought: In "honor" of the heinous nazification of the mind of Jeff Bezos, why not respond to his censoring of the above cartoon by passing it around and, not only that, but passing around one or two others that show the man as what he has either become or what he always was? I mean, if he doesn't want us to see cartoons about him, find some and spread 'em around. Just about anything can go viral these days! Forthwith, a couple of suggestions- 




17 hours ago

I'm watching the Carter procession and wondering how we all could have allowed 2024 to happen. How could we get here from there?


19 hours ago

Look out below. It's guestcrapper again. Guestcrapper, it's your own hubris and your HUGE ego that continues to prevent you from seeing the real reason you get censored. That makes you look "dumber than shit" even though you aren't. You've created a world in your head that you're comfortable in but it won't solve this problem. That's up to you.

17 hours ago
Replying to

IF the only way to not get censored is to toe the corrupt pussies' designated line in the sand, no thanks.

FYI, I really have no ego. I just know when I'm correct and you all are not. The FACT of the current sitchie proves it. However, should any of you prove me wrong, I'll accept it gladly. But you haven't and, I'm quite sure, can't. Worst of all, nobody will even spend an erg of effort trying.

Bitching and spewing hate is not proving anything. in case you thought it was.

And the reich continues to take shape and become clear while nobody, still, does anything about anything.


a day ago

While this censorship is about his hubris, MOST censorship is about keeping americans dumber than shit. Right howie?

And the few who even notice... helping the reich keep americans dumber than shit.

And the dearth of outrage? pretty much how you all allowed the reich in the first place.

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