Rules? We Don't Need No Stinking Rules!!!

by Noah
Anarchy! Thuggery! Taking human decency to the shredder!! That's the ticket!!! You know, like storming the Capitol Building and killing and beating cops! Not to mention, shit and piss wherever you like! Approved by 70,000,000 miscreant Republican voters and their Dear Leader! Be Best!!! We don't care!!! Do You??
And, don't forget the latest Republican rallying cry, brought to us the day after the election by party fave Nick Fuentes, "Your body, my choice. Forever!!!™ I bet that'll get him a show on FOX Pravda or Newsmax. And, damn, it's sure a great thing that young girls and boys won't have to be seeing a picture of a woman president on the wall of their elementary school classroom! Think of the horrible message that would send!!!