by Noah
I can understand the fear but the cowardly clowns shown in the Uvalde school shooting video had one job to do and they abdicated their moral and professional responsibilities. They signed up for the job and then ran away. They heard the children screaming and crying, and just stood there doing nothing. That's a metaphor for our times if there ever was one. All of these traitors to humanity should spend the rest of their days in a leper colony of my design.
In addition: A sound truck that plays the sound of the Robb Elementary School children's screams at maximum volume should follow Texas Governor Greg Abbott wherever he goes, day and night, for the rest of his days. And why not include the same for every single politician who has enabled these endlessly repetitious killing fields.
Extra Thought For Today:
With 168 House Republicans coming out so strongly about not wanting an amber style alert system for mass shootings, how long before Republicans start campaigning to do away with amber alerts for abuses, assaults and kidnappings involving underaged kids? We know how Brett Kavanaugh would vote if it ever got to the "Supreme" Court, don't we? And don't think I didn't notice how vocal Florida's Matt Gaetz was in leading the Republican congressional charge to vote against the proposal for the new alert; all to set some sort of precedent, I suppose.
hatewatt11, you can see as well as I can (I may be giving you too much credit here) that neither the word democrap nor democrat appear in this.
is he baiting me? I don't care. assuming, as you evidently do, that he MEANS to call out the pussy democraps but NOT by name, he's not communicating effectively to everyone else who isn't me... the readers who have not yet had the epiphany about the democrap party.
It isn't OCD, but you probably know that too.
Your uncontrollable impulse read everything I write in order to spew hate is more indicative of OCD.
I'm not the only one here who responds in this manner. But I'm the only one you spe…
crapper, you know he does call them out by name. Is your OCD making you lie in desperation? Or is it that you just can't remember anything from one day to the nest? Dementia? Have you considered that the times when he doesn't actually call the democratic party by name, he might be baiting you? I think it's a real possibility. You can't help taking the bait can you? You have to. You can't control your yourself at all. OCD is a terrible thing. It OWNS you.
"And why not include the same for every single politician who has enabled these endlessly repetitious killing fields."
endlessly amused how you can call out the democraps but never mention the word 'democraps'.