by Noah
Lindsey Graham will no doubt be remembered by the Nazis whose bidding he performs but, he'll be remembered not so fondly as he would like. Instead, he will probably be remembered as more of a useful tool that they will forever laugh about, even imitate with derision, behind his back. What a foolish man he is. How can he not admit to himself that the monstrosity he's trying to please is already laughing. But, what else should anyone expect about a bizarre little man who once said of Trump:
I'm not going to try to get into the mind of Donald Trump because I don't think there's a whole lot of space there. I think he's a kook. I think he's crazy. I think he's unfit for office.
But then he infamously switched it up just a year later and chose the super ass-kissing sycophantic lifestyle, saying:
I’m concerned by the media’s attempt to label Trump as a kook or not fit to be President.
In short, he did a complete 180 and became one of Traitor Don's top promoters in a "Treason? Count me in!" way. Why? Well, sometimes the facts will out, just as they have for others. In the meantime, the case of Lindsey Graham is usually assumed to be one centering around blackmail. What comes to mind for many is the story of why J. Edgar Hoover made a habit of saying, "Cosa Nostra, what Cosa Nostra?" By backing a traitor, Graham may be hurting this country in the long run more than Hoover ever did.
It's obvious that Lindsey Graham must be a massive psychological mess inside, so much so that the meme depiction of him above may become more and more accurate as time passes, almost like in Oscar Wilde's The Picture Of Dorian Gray. In fact, Graham also has me thinking of a certain Twilight Zone episode where ugly distorted and freakish faces are considered attractive while those blessed with good looks seek to be hideously altered just to fit in. Graham has taken his desire to be a Republican in very good standing a step forward of course. He has deliberately turned himself ugly, freakish, and distorted on the inside, too. Self loathing? In any event, there is no saving him. When he dies, he should just be dumped on a mountain of garbage to finish his rotting. Maybe we can set up a Garbage Cam. I'll be curious to know if the crows and seagulls even bother to pick out his eyes.
He would be a tragicomic caricature figure to pity... except that he helped the budding reich come full flower. But you can say that about, literally, hundreds of nazis who have been elected to be part of the process... and, literally, hundreds of democraps who were elected to stand up against all of this and have refused... yet still they get elected.
The tragicomic caricatures are actually american voters. After all, all those people keep getting elected. don't they?
Do a meme on that