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Midnight Meme Of The Day! How Many More Gun-Toting "Claims Adjusters" Will There Be?

Writer's picture: NoahNoah

by Noah

We all know there are more guns than people in these so-called United States. Among other things, that makes it seem that there must be more bullets stored in American homes than there are stars in The Milky Way galaxy. It's all so easy, too easy.

A little personal story: One night, I was walking home about 10:30. As I walked past a restaurant that had a reputation for being a favorite of NYC's mafiosos, I could see by the double parked white vinyl topped limousines of every color and all the "sharp-dressed" drivers clogging the sidewalk that it was major party time inside. All of a sudden, one of the drivers calls to a bunch of his buddies to come see what he's got in the trunk and, just as I'm walking by, up pops the trunk lid and I see a pile, and I mean a pile, of automatic rifles of seemingly every kind. Oh well, at least it wasn't a body or two. I just kept a walkin, briskly! This was the 1980s. I'd be willing to bet that everyone there that night, except yours truly, is long dead. I know the guest of honor at the party is. He eventually went to jail and died there, rightly so. He was a criminal of the outlaw kind. He'd killed people and/or supervised their demise. One of his victims died in a hail of bullets in front of a steak house while he watched from down on the corner. That's how, you might say, he became CEO of his company. I guess life was good, for a while. Alas for him, his company was not on the list of approved mass-murderers.

There are so many sad stories of gun violence in this country. Is that our biggest current obscenity? I don't know. It has so much competition for the title, Government sanctioned violence, corporation sanctioned violence, mob sanctioned violence, what's really the difference in our sick society? It's just a matter of who you pay dues to, no? If more Americans knew or thought about how many people die at the hands of insurance companies, car companies, plane companies, weed killer companies and more, there would be more of those bullets I mentioned above flying around with words written on them.

Here's the thing though: An assassination like the assassination of United Healthcare's CEO was bound to happen. If it hadn't been him, it would have been someone else. He was just at the top of the list for the day. The so-called A-listers of our species are simply either incapable of learning from previous examples or events that have occurred in other countries throughout history, or, they don't care, or, and this is where I get accused of being dark, the powers that be are looking to provoke so much mayhem that they will have an "excuse" to even more openly crush all of us. Around the world, it's happened before. What do you think comes after a president uses the United States military to round up immigrants? Are you naive enough to think it stops there? The current President-elect stole from a children's cancer charity and over 75,000,000 absolute morons approved of it and voted for him but, when you keep taking things away from people, including their lives, affordable housing, their right to health, their money, the futures of their children, their pursuit of happiness... sooner or later, a tipping point is going to be reached and people start strapping on dynamite sticks before they get on the bus.

Some of the tallest skyscrapers in our cities are built on the money gained from what we should be calling "Health Violence." We have a health system where you pay in thousands of dollars a year, insurance companies use that money for interest producing investments and multi-million dollar yearly  CEO bonuses, and then they deny you your money when you need it. Just look at the tallest buildings in places like Chicago and Boston. Even if the assassination of the United Health CEO isn't a tipping point, that day is coming, as it has elsewhere. Hey, powers that be, you want terrorism? You've got it. You earned it. The only question is the status of the deductible.

And another thing: When Kyle Rittenhouse murdered two protesters on a Wisconsin street one night not long ago, FOX-Pravda and the like couldn't wait to make him a national folk hero. Don't hold your breath expecting they will do the same for the guy who shot Brian Thompson but to many, (and as I write this on Friday night, we don't know his name), he already is a hero, and this, rightly or wrongly, is a very grey area and that's completely understandable. How many of you would have turned him in if you knew his name or where he was after the shooting? Would I at this point? That's pretty up in the air to say the least. I can say, though, that any member of the anti-healthcare mob, whether an employee of an insurance company or a member of Congress that has repeatedly voted against "Obamacare," should be constantly looking over their shoulders. As it is, only half the politicians in America gave us the watered down system we have and the totally evil doers want to also take away our Medicare and Social Security while both halfs live off our taxes and euphemistically called "campaign contributions" that come with a message to do as little as possible. That's no way for them or us to go on.

So, go ahead corporate and political A-listers, do you feel lucky? Well do ya? Denial is a terrible thing.


Dec 10, 2024

"Let them eat cake". wonder what happened to her?

If you can find it, read Krugman's final column in the nyt. He recognizes most of what the problems are. However:

1) He won't ever understand his small role in it as a "free trader" for many years.

2) The fundamental problem, which gave birth to and nurtured everything he says is wrong, is that voters are just plain dumber than shit. Were they not, our history would have been changed starting with NO NIXON. And as those sentient voters saw the unvarnished shit that your corrupt pussies would become, NO MORE DEMOCRAPS!

Can you even imagine elections involving a real progressive party vs. probably what the democraps were before '68?…


Dec 10, 2024

“Keep the government’s hands off my Medicare!”

Soon, the government’s hands WILL be off of Medicare. It’ll be but a label on a worthless fecal commodity. Like “trump” on some BS or other. And trump will be the government. See how it all fits together? Like a jigsaw puzzle made of dried dung and bone shards. Commodities of our future. Invest wisely.

Dec 10, 2024
Replying to

They've been doing it already for years. Medicare "advantage" isn't medicare, it's insurance. And how many dumber than shits have lapped up all that rosy advertising and switched... on purpose? And If I understand it correctly, you can't switch back when, not if, some insurance pos says no to "covering" some necessary care.

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