by Noah
Too late? Adolf, Adolf, Adolf. It's not too late. As far as Republicans are concerned, it's never too late for you!!! You've been speaking through the GOP for decades!! You are their inspiration. You are the reason Republicans get up in the morning. There'll be plenty of Nazi Trump rallies now and they'll be so totally out in the open that FOX-Pravda will broadcast them all and the FOX producers will be calling on Elon Musk to manufacture Tesla Animatronic Adolfs™ to appear on their shows around the clock. In the $enate, I can see the Republican side of the aisle being populated by nothing but Republican $enators dressed up as Adolf impersonators singing "Deutschland, Deutschland Uber Alles" as they begin every session. Adolf, you may be in Hell but your legacy will be more prominent than ever before and that's really saying a lot. You're gonna be a very happy psycho!!! Don't forget the inauguration of your protege is Monday. Even if you can't make it, we all know you'll be there in spirit!!!
can't wait for the return of that little moustache.