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Midnight Meme Of The Day! Hey Kids! It's Critical Race Theory, Republican Style!

Writer: NoahNoah

by Noah

Think about it: Forcing teachers, under penalty of being fired, to tell impressionable minds that slavery was good because it provided jobs. Embracing a pro-lynching country song. And, lining the Rio Grande with razor wire and barrel traps to kill, maim and drown desperate brown folks and their babies. Well, it's only a very small step to some typical Republican crank proposing an official slavery program for inner cities. I'm here to tell you that that idea would set a record for number of co-sponsors in Congress!

We already know by their very words that Republican minds think there is absolutely no reason to raise the minimum wage. After all, if you delve into the nihilistic Republican thought processes, it's easy to see that they (and the most enthusiastic financial backers of Trumpism/Nazism/GOPism) would love to move towards doing away with wages altogether and lumping everybody, employed and unemployed alike, into one big Official Jobs Slavery program, especially in "certain areas" as Republicans tend to say. "Certain areas" would be just the beginning of course because "certain areas" are populated by "certain people" who have little or no voice.

The CEO/Billionaire/Trillionaire class (those that aren't already) would totally get behind the idea because they think it can pay for itself. How? Easy. If you brace your mind and allow yourself to think like a Republican for a minute, you just take the minimum wage that so many currently employed people are earning and then half it in order to cover the cost of feeding every worker, previously employed and unemployed alike, a couple of bowls of rancid gruel per day. Not only that but they will tell us that whatever little wormy buggy critters we can see swimming in our gruel are "beneficial protein" just like whatever "beneficial job skills" they are now learning under the whip.

Of course, then they will say that cutting the minimum wage just doesn't go far enough and start bellowing louder about cutting Social Security and Medicare entirely. Oh, and maybe seizing whatever meager bank accounts the middle class still has, all for the greater good of their beloved Jobs Slavery program and, all with an eye towards expanding the "work force!" Still not enough? Hey guess what, you've just undergone a forced donation of your car, if you have one, that is. Housing issues? "Let Them Live In Tents!" will become a Republican Party motto. Landlords can be added to the "labor pool!" And what's a few more tens of thousands of homeless dying in the streets? Haven't you ever seen that "Soylent Green" movie?

1 Comment

Jesse Salisbury
Jesse Salisbury
Jul 26, 2023

time to go furniture shopping

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