by Noah
And Herschel's book will be called... The Art Of The Lie! Georgia's Herschel Walker won't be the last freakish mental case inflicted on America by the GOP. They are a bottomless, bubbling, festering pit of mental freaks of every horrid description, but, right now it's Herschel time and in that time, he's come up with a long list of lies that define him. God knows what's in his past or present that has yet to be revealed but, at times, it almost seems that the only thing left to find out about Herschel is whether he succeeds where Alabama's Judge Roy Moore failed and gets to sit in the $enate as Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell's latest protege..
I like lists of grievances, at least my lists of grievances. I don't even need a Festivus pole. So feel free to print out tonight's meme and put it in your pocket for use when you encounter any people who adhere to the stances of the Traitor Party. Remember, the holidays are almost upon us! It could come in handy at family get-togethers! I gotta say, though, I think it's best to just disown such people. I just can't imagine going to some Russia-loving nazi goon's house no matter who they are, at least not without a blowtorch in hand. There's a better than even chance they'd end up locked in the trunk of my car and headed for places unknown.
The above list is not complete but it's plenty. And, just imagine if Herschel wins or otherwise assumes a seat in the $enate. The list above will grow by leaps and bounds hourly and every Traitor Party goon from Trump and Moscow Mitch on down will stampede and trample their way to the nearest microphone and camera to defend him as he becomes a new party leader right up there with Gym Shower Jordan, Lauren Boobert, Lindsey "Cashmere Slippers" Graham, and Marjorie Traitor Greene.
For your further amusement, I offer this fab clip below. Not only does it provide a nice perspective on the GOP's Herschel Hail Mary but it's a nice view of the news media as well. And, the execrable Chuck Todd gets a fraction of his due comeuppance, too! Beat 'em with a stick 'n' nails. Repeat as necessary!
cathartic. but remember that this guy has a very good chance of winning an election (against a better-than-average democrap) and a whole host of WORSER sewage, listed herein, SHALL also win elections.
one might wonder why that is.
maybe if there were an actual good to vote for, this wouldn't happen.
maybe not.
democracy. when voters are evil and stupid. this is what you get.