Sunday Thoughts
by Noah

Ain't no savior coming from the sky. Apparently none in Washington either.
Having faith that some mighty comic book Super Jesus can and will protect you is unfair to the Jesus of 2000 years ago and it's bad enough, but worshiping some douchebag Orange Menace To Society that lives in our time as a savior is even worse. Trump not only doesn't protect children, he's all about inflicting death, disease, and any form of abuse he can arrange to inflict on them, and I don't just mean the "Weekend At Jeffrey Epstein's" kind.
Immediately upon taking office in his first term, Trump pulled out the Pandemic Response people in China who could have helped detect the dangers of COVID right away. Then, as the threat developed, he lied about it all. Now, he's done the same with the Ebola team in Africa and lies that that's all been quickly restored when it hasn't at all. Then, there's the matter of the measles outbreaks in nut states like Florida and Texas that are directly due to his extensive anti-vax propaganda during his first term. All of this stuff presents the opportunity for viruses to rise again and/or for variants to develop. Some of these viruses were all but wiped out but Trump and his supporters just couldn't have any of that! Oh, and cancer research? Trump and his Scumbag Billionaire pal have blown that up, too. I guess it just wasn't enough satisfaction for Trump's psychosis when he stole that money from a Children's Cancer Charity. Psychos like him are never satisfied.
Meanwhile, some in the media think putting RFK, Jr. in place was just a mistake. No. It wasn't. And a whole generation of children and their parents will be forced to bear the result. This is psychopathology to the nth degree; all voter approved, too.
Perusing the mainstream media this morning, I wonder whether my optimism for the death of MAGA will depend on how quickly damaging all this MAGA and DOGE bs will ruin everything. It seems the only hope is for people, mostly republicans, to be personally and directly impacted by what is happening in our government to see the big con of MAGA. Democrats are already quite aware. Is a massive recession our last hope? Insanity.