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Midnight Meme Of The Day! Happy Thanksgiving? That's Relative

Writer: NoahNoah

by Noah

Make no mistake, I'm thankful for plenty but a putrid, reeking darkness covers this land and not only threatens this country, it threatens the entire world. My generation grew up with a fear of nukes raining from the sky. Now, kids leave for school every morning not knowing if they'll make it home for another reason. Over it all reigns a psychopath named Trump and his entire party of unindicted psychos while a political and judicial system drags its heels. Jeez, at least start finally arresting the congressmen and congresswomen who helped plan the coup attempt! Then, move on to FOX, etc. How much of a roadmap do you need? Sean Hannity, Josh Hawley, "Ted" Cruz, and Marjorie Traitor Greene aren't even wearing so much as an ankle monitor and I'm supposed to feel all warm, fuzzy, and thankful?

Look, I'll make it real simple: If anyone, any politician, any legal type, anyone at all even breathes the word pardon for Trump, they should be immediately arrested, charged with treason, convicted, and punished just as Trump should be. Let's have none of this Gerald Ford shit that led this country to right where it is now.

Of course, that begs the question of what should the punishment be. How 'bout death. Death sounds good to me. Has a nice ring to it. It's a punishment that fits the crimes but you know, if someone pardons Trump, perhaps Trump should be kept alive and they should be thrown with Trump into the deepest, dampest, rat infested dungeon in the world, just so they have to eat raw rats and listen to him talk all day.

1 Comment

Nov 23, 2023

He will effectively pardon himself once he's elected.

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