by Noah
Sunday Thoughts:
Jeez! Will ya look at all those poor Republican Jesus asswipes! All upset about their blessed gooey orange version of Saddam Hussein being charged and arraigned. Little do they realize that their own existence is proof that either there is no God or that God is one helluva psychopath, a combo of Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Pol Pot, and the Zodiac Killer in the sky.
The best "god on earth" candidate is hitler. 70 million died. And the instigators were christians who wore "gott mit uns" on their buttons and belt buckles.
Here I must differ with Mr. Salisbury. Christianity has been a powerful force for misanthropy and evil, including genocide, for its entire history. Taken in that light, trump and his cultists are just another generation of humans doing the same kind of evil in the name of their god. If the crusades and the inquisitions and the holocaust and the native american genocide and the forced "conversions" of people everywhere didn't make anyone WTFU, trump's deification by america's christians won't either.
if there is one silver lining