by Noah So FOX "News" fucked around and found out. But, what did they find out? FOX's defamation and treason are inextricably intertwined. With their lies about Dominion, these traitors to the United States helped the Orange Menace, the RNC, and their master in Moscow orchestrate a violent attempted coup which resulted in deaths and serious injuries both to individuals and the country as a whole. So, when you read about their settlement, ask yourself, is FOX really paying the price of their treason and, more to the point about the settlement, are they even paying a real cost for their defamation of Dominion? I'm not sneezing about the $787.5 Million. It's a ton of money but are they even paying it or is whoever insures them for libel paying it? Then ask yourself if $787.5 Million would be enough if a company holding over $14 Billion and raking in at least $1.2 Billion per year can even really feel they're being punished? Tell ya what, give me $14 Billion or even the paltry sum of $1.2 Billion and I'll happily fork over $787.5 Million to Dominion just for laughs. Why not, I'll have plenty left over for a new car and a couple of hitmen. FOX is no stranger to having insurance companies pay off their self-inflicted debts. That happened previously when it was discovered that they were hacking celebrities. The payout was well over $100 Million. A little more digging might reveal that all those mega-harassment cases were paid off by insurance companies, too. FOX's penalty in all these things may just be a rising cost of monthly or yearly premiums which, although steep by most standards, amount to mere pocket change. Like the award to Dominion, it's all relative. We may never know how much of the FOX defamation settlement has been or will be paid by whatever foolish company was insuring FOX "News" for libel. I mean, they should have known it would likely happen, right? All media companies have libel insurance but, frankly, whoever insured FOX was just asking for trouble and if I had stock in the insurance company, I'd want some serious questions to be asked, like who is the CEO and why is he or she not walking the plank? Literally or figuratively, although personally, I would prefer the former. Dominion got their money but, in the end, the settlement is a crock of shit. There is no real punishment. The situation is not fixed. FOX "News" takes in $1.2 Billion per year or more and "loses" $787.5 Million. That's $787.5 Million not from them but from a third party aka the insurance company. Perhaps FOX was only insured for say $400 Million. So what. However the settlement funds are divided up, it's simply nowhere near enough. After less than a year, FOX will have earned back a very sizable chunk if not all of the money. Much of it will be generated by the money they have left on hand. The only changes at FOX will be that there's less Snapple in the refrigerators and more employers will be turned into part time contract workers to save on paying benefit costs to the worker bees. I have not received satisfaction! And neither have you. Look, sure I'm really disappointed that a settlement was reached. Like most people, I wanted weeks and weeks if not months and months of as much of the testimony of "News" Corp's traitors coming out. I'm realistic, though. The thought of a racist scumbag Russian asset like Tucker Carlson squirming in front of a jury is quite delicious. I realize that all it would have taken for the case to go totally south would have been one lone Nazi GOP pussbrain to have been one of the 12 jurors. A unanimous vote of guilt was required. So, there you go. FOX takes what actually amounts to little more than a slap on the wrist, a hit they can well afford. They don't even have to apologize. No hour long mea culpa special, not even at 4:00 in the morning. They basically admit nothing and no Seal Team Six is on the way to FOX headquarters to round them up. If you turn on FOX right now, you will still see the same daily parade of traitors, now more smug than ever, in front of the cameras when, to my mind, nothing less than a bag over the head and a rope around the neck would have sufficed.
Guestcrapper says- "of course, if your democraps weren't such hapless worthless feckless corrupt neoliberal fascist pussies, DWT would have no reason to exist." Don't you fret craphead. You may quiver and sniffle in fear of not being able to bitch and rag on DWT all day and night if they were gone but I'm sure you'd find plenty to ineffectively bitch about somewhere else. You need the outlet. You'd need somewhere else to say the same thing 5 times a day. Your demons and compulsions rule you and will demand demand it.
just a reminder: your democraps could have restored "fairness" and "equal time" to the FCC many times... and refused. but your democraps like having fox's lies to campaign against more than they like having a healthy, vibrant democracy with ACTUAL free speech (without caustic lying).
of course, if your democraps weren't such hapless worthless feckless corrupt neoliberal fascist pussies, DWT would have no reason to exist.