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  • Writer's pictureNoah

Midnight Meme Of The Day! Former Trump Wingman Mike Pence Announces!

by Noah

See. I coulda said "comes out," but that would be wrong. Anyway, to be fair, and I'm always fair, I think it's splendid that Mike Pence has announced his candidacy. Admit it, how would you feel if you bought a ticket to this circus and one of the biggest clowns stayed in the dressing room?

And flies are happy, too.


1 Comment

Jun 06, 2023

when an intellectually and emotionally stunted malignant narcissist truly believes his god has chosen him to be the american christian caliph.

why expend the effort? can't his god just, POOF, make it happen?

I always wondered why these "it's god's will" folks think it's up to them to *DO* the evil for god. if god wanted it, wouldn't he just make it happen in a big cloud of smoke and fire? "let the big dog (god bass-ackwards?) eat", as they say.

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